21st Century
Catalog of archived publications of the specified period
2000 2001 2003 2004 Reasoning about Morphomechanics Chapter in a book: Archipov-Baltic S.V. Reasoning about Morphomechanics. The norm – Kaliningrad, 2004. [In Russian] / Original text: Архипов-Балтийский СВ. Рассуждение о морфомеханике. Норма. Калининград, 2004. 2004LangP_MillerD Minimally invasive joint implant with 3-dimensional geometry matching the articular surfaces [invention]. 2004PreussJ The author translates the biblical term "גיד" into scientific language as LCF and notes the possibility of its damage in an animal. 2004VialleR_GlorionC The article discusses the examination technique for dislocation of the femur and describes the radiographic symptom of infringement of the damaged LCF. 2004RomagnoliS Corrective element for the articulation between the femur and the pelvis [invention]. 2005 2005ByrdJT The authors found that the most common hip injuries in athletes include labral pathology, articular damage, and disruption of the LCF. The First Publication on Prevention The first publication on the prevention of LCF injury is the abstract of the report: «Arkhipov-Baltiysky S.V. On the enhancement of safety in high-altitude jumps» (2005). 2006 2006ArkhipovSV Full hip joint. Application for invention №2006145748. 2006SporringSL_MouritsenS Medical device for insertion into a joint [invention]. 2007 2008 2008ArkhipovSV On the role of the ligamentum capitis femoris in the maintenance of different types of erect posture. 2009 2009FrandsonRD_FailsAD The authors discuss the terminology, structure, and role of the LCF in the horse. 2009LampertC The article mentions the possibility of damage to the LCF due to sudden twisting of the hip joint. 2009LozierAL_RichDB Joint space interpositional prosthetic device with internal bearing surfaces [invention]. 2010 2010SandersS_EgolKA This review discusses the pathological anatomy of hip dislocation and describes the variants of traumatic changes in the LCF. 2011 20011ArkhipovSV Dynamic hip joint model. Decision to grant a patent on an application for an invention №2009124926. 2011LinaresMA Hip socket with assembleable male ball shape having integrally formed ligament and female receiver and installation kit [invention]. 2011PedersenWB_BechgaardKA Method for the production of medical implants [invention]. 2012 2012ForsellP Hip joint device and method [invention]. 2012FrederickP_KelmanDC Methods and apparatus for FAI surgeries [invention]. 2013 2013ClaytonM PhiloR The authors describe a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci depicting the insertion site of the LCF. 2013MorrisonC_KookAI The rabbi writes about the mechanical function of the LCF in humans.роза. 2013CastroFF_MoskovitzAP Semi-constrained ball and socket joints [invention]. 2014 2014ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS Hinge with flexible elements. Application for invention № 2014142675. 2014ArkhipovaAS Mobile biomorphic platforms with analogues of natural locomotion algorithms. Oral presentation at the International Olympics Space for school students. 2015 2015(a)ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS Anthropomorphic stepping platform. Application for invention № 2015134113. 2015(b)ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS Stand for testing cylindrical and ball hinges. Application for invention № 2015102125. 2015BoroumandS_HalwaiI Tanab-Ligament (A ligamentous structure that prevents the dislocation of a joint prosthesis) [invention]. 2015DehaoBW_YoungJLS Understanding the ligamentum teres of the hip: a histological study. 2015HainingZ Artificial total hip joint prosthesis with axially restrained anti-dislocation structure [invention]. 2016 2016ArkhipovaAS Classification of joints with flexible elements. 2016MayesS_CookJ Atraumatic tears of the LCF are more frequent in professional ballet dancers than a sporting population. 2016PurquerioBM_deMoraesTF Antiluxation surgical prosthesis and artificial round ligament system thereof. [invention]. 2017 2017KakuN_TsumuraH The article discusses the internal structure and attachment features of the LCF in the norm. 2018 2018CohenY Discussion of the first mention of LCF in an Akkadian text from the period 2000-1600 BCE. 2018FreitasA_BandeiraVC. Traumatic Open Anterior Hip Dislocation in an Adult Male: A Case Report (the authors documented avulsion of the LCF from the acetabulum). 2019 2019(a)ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV For the first time, damage to the ligament of the head of femur in humans and the mechanism of injury are described in the Bible. Read more in the article: Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions. 2019(b)ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV Ligamentum capitis femoris a pilot experimental study on a mechanical model of the hip joint. 2019FIPAT Current terms for LCF according to the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Terminology. 2019ZelongS_YongkaiW Femoral head round ligament cutting hook [utility model]. UNDERWATER ROCK OF THE RECONSTRUCTIONS What is the load on the ligamentum capitis femoris? New Biomechanics in Illustrations The New Biomechanics of the Hip Joint: Pictorial Essay. 2020 2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV The first synonyms of the ligamentum teres (ligament of the head of femur, ligamentum capitis femoris) 2021 2021ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis–Necessary or Superfluous? A Systematic Review2021MeesonRL_StricklandR Surgical stabilization of the femoral head in cats with an artificial LCF. 2022 2022PerumalV_BaconCJ Ligamentum teres lesions are associated with poorer patient outcomes in a large primary hip arthroscopy cohort of 1,935 patients. 2023 2023AL-SamarraiMQ_AL-TimmemiHA Surgical stabilization of the hip dislocation in dogs of LCF prosthesis. 2024 2024SarıkayaB_AltayMA Histological Structure and Immunohistochemical Properties of the Ligamentum Teres in Patients With Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. LCF in 2024 Publications about the LCF 2024. 2024MiglioriniF_MaffulliN The ligamentum teres and its role in hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement: a systematic review (abstract and overview of LCF tear classification). 2024arkhipovSV. The Ninth Month, Eleventh Day [Rus]. The monograph is dedicated to the oldest mention of LCF injury and the fate of the first patient with this pathology. |
The Doctrine of LCF
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