Combined PDF version of the article: Arkhipov SV. Arkhipov SV. Inferior Portal for Hip A rthroscopy: A Pilot Experimental Study. This page contains a photocopy of the publication. The links for downloading the PDF version and the addresses of the online versions are given below. The original in Russian is available at the link: Нижний портал для артроскопии тазобедренного сустава .
The ligament of the head of femur or round ligament, called ligamentum capitis femoris in Latin, is a crucial element of the hip joint. The blog discusses its role, anatomy, development, pathology, classifications, treatment, diagnosis, synonyms, experiments, history of study, application of research results in sports, veterinary, biomechanics, zoology, collects, and analyzes scientific research, images, as well as intriguing facts about this element. THIS IS THE BIRTHPLACE OF INNOVATION!
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