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Reasoning about Morphomechanics. Chapter


Archipov-Baltic S.V. Reasoning about Morphomechanics. The norm – Kaliningrad, 2004. - 820 p; the Manuscript, version 1.4. The bibliography - 885 names, contains 15 tables, 340 illustrations. 

The conclusion (Chapter of the book, p. 776-780) 

Concluding the first reasoning about morphomechanics, and summing up said above, it is necessary to stop once again on the main moments of our narration. Living organisms on the Earth - living systems, both unicellular, and multicellular, are constantly pressed for mechanical forces. It can be a direct influence upon a living system of a material body, or influence of its gravitational field. We indicated the totality of all mechanical influences on a living system as a mechanical agent of the environment.

The mechanical agent is the same factor of the environment as temperature, humidity, illuminance, a radioactive background, a chemical composition of ambient space. It is significant, as well as other factors of an environment, perhaps, even more than they are. Its presence has the same necessity as certain ambient temperature, or a chemical compound of an atmosphere. Living systems adapt to the mechanical agent of the environment as well as to the others. The given factor is stable enough in time, and in this connection, the adaptation to it passes not only in ontogenesis of a concrete individual, but also in process of its phylogenesis. The mechanical agent is the direct participant of natural selection and substantially defines specific difference.

The research of interaction of the mechanical agent of the environment and living systems requires special approach. In our opinion, it has become necessary to distinguish a new scientific direction -morphomechanics. This work represents the first attempt of comprehension of value and a place of this discipline and, as a matter of fact, it is an introduction into morphomechanics. We defined morphomechanics as a branch of biophysics studying the influence of the mechanical agent upon biological processes taking place in living systems.

Morphomechanics has appeared not on an empty place, it has crystallized from biomechanics. The appearance of morphomechanics is connected, first of all, with the problem that in the context of biomechanics it is not possible to get answers to the questions like why and how the mechanical agent has the influence on a structure and function of living systems.

Taking into account the novelty of the discussed scientific direction, a number of entered new terms and concepts, this work is built up as a reasoning of the author with a detailed presentation of his ideas about the given subject. Initially on concrete examples the verity of the main regulation of morphomechanics is shown, its axiom - the structure and function of living systems depend on the mechanical agent. It is correct without exception for all living beings, plants and animals, multicellular and unicellular. The given statement is not new, however the focused attention to it in modern science is not enough.

As the evidence of legitimacy of the made conclusions the various tissues that form the body of a person and biological processes proceeding there are examined. The micro- and macroanatomic structure of a girdle of inferior extremity was researched with the detailed analysis of a hip joint. At first sight it could seem, that the work represents the description of histology, anatomy and biomechanics of a lower extremity, as well as a hip joint. However the given sequence of a statement of the material was not casually chosen. The author has tried to show the validity and comprehensive character of the main regulation of morphomechanics with the help of a significant number of supervision and examples of normal structure of organs and tissues and also some adaptive processes.  In the first chapter the normal structure of the basic tissues of a human body as the most investigated has been examined in details.

In our opinion it was obviously shown, that a structure of tissues of person’s body and not only of basic tissues, is equal to the loading affecting on them. Normally functioning tissues find themselves optimized for existence in conditions of forces operating upon them. The adaptation to the mechanical agent is traced not only on the part of tissues and their device, but also directly to their cells. It was shown, that adaptation of living cells and tissues occurs by means of biological processes proceeding there. Their absolute majority has adaptive character and provide the adaptation to the mechanical agent. It is necessary to make a note, that without presence of living cells the adaptation is inconceivable – it is impossible to change the structure and function of living systems.

The influence of the mechanical agent and interdependence of structure of the elements of musculoskeletal system is especially brightly shown, in the field of joints. The structure of the hip joint is a graphic evidence of it. Its each element independently is of great importance, and influences upon function and structure associated with it. By a detailed examination even such small element of a hip joint as a round ligament of femur is the same. The influence of the round ligament of femur is spread not only on components forming a hip joint, but also on a structure, and function of all musculoskeletal system. It is concerned with the fact that the round ligament of femur is an active functional connectivity of a hip joint. It arranges movement, participates in distribution of loadings upon elements of the hip joint and musculoskeletal system as a whole. In particular, it has been revealed, that in mono-support orthostatic position and in the middle of the mono-support period of a step, the round ligament of femur transform hip joint from the lever of the first type into the lever of the second type. The loaded are not the superior surface, as was considered earlier, but the inferior surface of the head of femur and cotyloid cavity. The round ligament of femur not only redistributes loading, but also automates the process of walking and saves energy.

Because of the round ligament of femur has the important mechanical value, its any modification results in redistribution of loading in all musculoskeletal system. It brings essential shifts in kinematics of locomotion, in structure of a hip joint and musculoskeletal system. The pathology of the round ligament of femur, in our deep belief, underlies in the development of such diseases as a congenital dislocation of a hip, Perthes’ desease, epiphyseal aseptic necrosis of upper end of femur, coxarthrosis and partly some others. Their pathogenesis  should be cardinally reconsidered taking into account the role of the round ligament of femur. Accordingly to this fact it is necessary to make considerable changes into approaches of treatment and prevention of the given diseases. The disclosure of the mechanism of the hip joint functioning and the role of the round ligament of femur will allow to understand better the reasons of a pathology of a hip joint, to develop techniques of their preventive maintenance, diagnostics and treatment, to improve the design of endoprosthesis, and the results of endoprosthesis replacement. However it is the theme of another work …

Finding out the interrelation of structure of the elements of musculoskeletal system, there comes the question, in what way they influence upon each other? The other question is connected to that, - which characteristics of the mechanical agent of the environment the living systems adapt to and what exactly influences upon them? From our point of view living systems adapt to the level of daily average tension, they are capable to trace it and even to change it.

For each point belonging to a living system there is a certain optimum level of daily average tension. It is defined by the mechanical agent, according to it living systems, their structure and function are formed. Under some circumstances the level of the optimum daily average tension could not coincide with the size of the actual daily average tension. At that time there comes the difference between them, which we gave the name “bioeffective tension”. Just the occurrence of this bioeffective tension in organs and tissues of living systems induces there biological processes. This phenomenon which we have named as “bioinduction”, is observed both in norm, and at a pathology in all living systems without exception.

The dependence between bioeffective tension and biological processes is determined by the regularity which was unknown earlier and which we detected and gave the name - the law of bioinduction. It says - the bioeffective tension appearing in living systems and representing the difference between actual and optimum daily average tension, induces the biological processes levelling them by the principle of a negative feedback, and not liquidated bioeffective tension results in an injury of living systems. In other words, living systems, at the occurrence of bioeffective tension there, aspire to liquidate it. One of the variants could be the change of the mode of functioning. However, more often the biological processes generated in a living system, change its structure. At the same time there can be the correction of the level of as the actual, so as the optimum daily average tension, and in a number of cases - both simultaneously. The growth and development of a living system in ontogenesis is defined by just this regularity, as well as those changes that are observed at a pathology.

Biological processes induced in living systems change the size of bioeffective tension. This change can be characterized by speed and acceleration which can be calculated. The more intensively and adequately adaptive processes evolve, the higher is the speed and acceleration of change of bioeffective tension or speed and acceleration of bioinduction.

The phenomenon of bioinduction results in quite certain transformations of living systems. The researches and understanding the processes occuring in living systems at appearance of bioeffective tension have shown that the bioinduction is of vector size and can be calculated as well. In its turn producing the module of the vector of bioinduction into the surface area, through which it passes, allows to find the size of the stream of bioinduction. According to the direction of the stream of bioinduction, along the lines of bioinduction, in organs and tissues the fibrous elements are oriented. The last represent visible confirmation of the reality of streams of bioinduction. The size of the stream of bioinduction is in dependence on the properties of tissues which it passes through. This dependence is expressed through the coefficient of bioinduction describing a concrete tissue.

Bioinduction is the phenomenon which is inherent only to living systems. Taking into account its vector character and distribution in a certain capacity of space occupied with living matter, we entered the concept of “a field of bioinduction” or “a biological field”. In addition the vector of bioinduction is a value which describes a biological field in concrete point of a living system.

The boundaries of the biological field coincide with the boundaries of the living system. The important property of the biological field is its tendency to distribution that causes and explains the growth of living systems. The sources of the biological field are living cells. The existence of the biological field distinguishes the living matter from the lifeless one.

According to our definition, the life is a way of existence of material objects which are able to adjust the level of the daily average tension and to reproduce similar ones. Life is a special another-quality condition of a matter. As you can notice, in the given definition there is no binding to albuminous bodies and organic compounds. It indicates on a fundamental opportunity of a life not only on the basis of carbon.

Cells force on each other and on intercellular substance by means of biological processes. Their important component is the information concentrated in nucleic acids. Realization of an information component of living systems in view of factors of the environment also results into their transformation. The speed of spread of a biological field is the speed of realization of the living system information, and depends on its properties. The reality of a biological field proves the structure of living systems – the orderliness of the position of constituent elements. The biological field in a living system represents the set of flows of bioinduction. It follows that the structure of living systems is a transection of different directional fiber bundles and crystals, a vectorial position of cellular groups.

The biological field is a special kind of a matter, its other qualitative condition. The biological field is potential and also can be both static and metastatic. The main property of a biological field is its action on a space which surrounds the cells - on other cells and intercellular substance with some force. It is possible to determine upon this exposure not only the existence of a biological field, but also its basic characteristics. In a living system the biological field transforms the matter and converts it into energy. Biological field is a field produced by living systems, and by means of it they interact with the environment.

As well as any field, a biological field has energy. Energy of a biological field is similar to energy of a fluctuating pendulum. As well as pendulum, a biological field has potential and kinetic energy. Each energy can be calculated. Potential energy is determined, first of all, by the value of a bioeffective tension, it characterizes the value of a deviation of a living system from the state of equilibrium. In its turn kinetic energy is the energy of biological processes proceeding in a living system defining the speed of their course and efficiency. Only the living system has biological energy. In living systems biological energy can turn into other kinds of energy and backwards.

The important characteristic of the living system influencing on its power, is its bioinertia. The given concept is similar to the mass in mechanics. The speed of development of the adaptive process, its efficiency depends on it. Bioinertia is a genetically determined characteristic of a living system.

One of the basic properties of a biological field is its capacity for transforming living systems. It can influence upon the bodies and tissues with certain force. The force from which the biological field influences upon ambient space, is possible to calculate. It is possible to define some forces of a biological field which change the structure of living systems. The longitudinal force of bioinduction (the Wolf's force) determines the longitudinal organization of a tissue, in the direction of the flux of bioinduction. The lateral force of bioinduction (the force of Kennon) is perpendicular to the vector of bioinduction and influences upon the transversal sizes of the body. Directly on the least element of a tissue - a fiber, a crystal or a cell the biological field influences with the force of biomigration (the force of Lesgaft). The form and the structure of living systems changes because of the given forces.

At a change of the structure of living systems under influence of a biological field the work is made. As well as the capacity of a living system it can be calculated. The work on the transformation of a substance and energy within the limits of a living system is inevitably accompanied by the heat release or absorption. We deduced an expression which allows to find the change of quantity of heat. It was marked, that in the offered formulas the dimension of energy, work, capacity and heat do not differ from generally recognized. In our opinion it testifies to the legitimacy of the applied approaches and the actuality of the found values.

Above said indicates onto that there was found the special class of the phenomena of material world which is observed only in living systems. The given phenomena can be mathematically described and accordingly calculated. This circumstance allows to speak about transition of biology and medicine into the category of the exact sciences. The generality of the phenomena of living and lifeless world – the similarity of biological, mechanical and electrodynamic values has come to light.

Within the framework of the system of views which are put forward on court of the scientific community, it is obviously possible to formulate a number of the basic concepts of medicine and biology - health, illness, life, death. The life is a bunch of energy, mass and information which is able to transformation of various forms of tissue and cooperates with them actively.

The health of a living system is a condition of complete conformity of its mass, energy and information.

The illness can be defined as a condition of inconformity of mass, energy and information of a living system.

The death is a complete inconformity of energy, mass and information. The given condition appears with noncompensated increase in a daily average tension and disadaptation of the organism to it. With the termination of life the living systems lose the ability to control the level of a daily average tension and to reproduce the similar to themselves.

The idea of the function of daily average tension for living systems enables to comprehend the value of sleep. As we think the sleep is not only a condition of the saving of mass, energy and information of a living system. First of all, it is phylogenetically produced mechanism of correction of daily average tension. Thus the sleep can be related to the major adaptive biological processes. It allows living systems to function actively between the periods of the sleep, experiencing considerable influences of the mechanical agent.

Summing up our reasoning it is necessary to note, that it concerned, first of all, the condition of the norm. At the same time we examined briefly the biological processes and the phenomena which proceed not only in the norm, but also at the pathology. Some consequences of the occurrence of bioeffective tension in the region of the hip joint were covered. There was shown the role and the place of the round ligament of femur in the onset of the pathology of the hip joint.

The system of views on the phenomenon of bioinduction was stated as a hypothesis and also regularity shown up - the law of bioinduction, disclose the cause-effect relations with living. The science receives into its disposal the tool of mathematical research of living systems, forecasting of their development and clinical course. The described system of views and exposing "the mystery" of the round ligament of femur, enables even now to reconsider the approaches to diagnostics, treatment and preventive maintenance of some pathological conditions of a hip joint. There are prerequisites for the creation of new classification of pathological conditions of musculoskeletal system, and some other systems of the bodies dependent on the mechanical agent.

In our opinion it is necessary to correct scientific researches, both in medicine, and in biology in order that not to scatter forces, means and time for searches of "the philosophers’ stones". The ground of the reality of concept of a biological field strengthens belief in official medicine, discredits charlatans and healers of all kinds. The solution of such dimensioned problems has strategic value both for the state separately, and for all mankind. At the same time, we understand that we are just in the beginning of the way. The further researches in the work of perfection of the mathematical apparatus, and also a wide complex of experimental and clinical researches are required. In this connection it would be desirable to address to all sharing the stated views, the broad mass of the medical community, biologists, biophysicists and biomechanics, with the offer of cooperation... 

With deep respect and gratitude for the attention. 



Kaliningrad - Vasilikovo - Saint Petersburg – Hannover

The author

Dr. med. Sergey Vasilievitch Archipov 

Pseudonym: Archipov-Baltic S.V. (Архипов-Балтийский С.В.)

.                                                                     .

The translator - Yana Kustovskaya

Original text: 

Архипов-Балтийский СВ. Рассуждение о морфомеханике. Норма. В 2 т. Т. 2. Гл. 5-6. - Испр. и доп. изд. Калининград, 2004. [




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