Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis–Necessary or
Superfluous? A Systematic Review
S.V. Arkhipov, D.V. Skvortsov
Background. Dislocation of hip
endoprosthesis remains a common and serious complication of arthroplastic
interventions. One of the ways to prevent endoprosthesis dislocation is to
integrate a ligamentum teres analog into its design.
Purpose. Reviewing
international experience in the design, development and insertion of hip endoprosthesis
with the native ligamentum teres or its analog.
and methods. A systematic patent and non-patent search and analysis of publications
on hip endoprostheses with native ligamentum teres or its artificial analog.
The search was done on relevant online platforms and in available libraries.
Results. To date, there are
20 identified patents on endoprosthesis designs with the native ligamentum
teres or its analog. Ligamentum teres analogs are proposed to be created using
auto-, allo- or xenografts, synthetic materials and metals. We have found two
subtotal endoprosthesis with ligamentum teres analogs that are used in clinical
practice. The long-term outcomes of such surgeries are not known. There are no
commercially available endoprostheses with ligamentum teres analogs.
Conclusions. A ligamentum teres
analog integrated into a hip endoprosthesis can help prevent dislocation in the
post-operative period. Further theoretical, experimental, biomechanical and
clinical studies are needed to develop such endoprostheses for a wider use.
Level of the evidence: 1a
WORDS: hip joint, ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres,
endoprosthesis, complication, dislocation of a hip joint prosthesis
arthroplasty has been widely used since the mid-1940s – early 1950s [1-5]. Soon
after the start of a wide use of both cups and the more familiar
endoprostheses, however, surgeons began to report cases of their dislocation
and subluxation [6-13]. Dislocation after hip replacement is a serious and
devastating complication of such surgical interventions [14, 15]. According to
literature data, the incidence of dislocation reached 15% in the 1970s-1980s
16. These days, dislocation after primary arthroplasty occurs in 0.2-10% of the
cases, more often for prostheses implanted after femoral neck fracture [17-22].
The incidence of dislocation after revision surgeries can reach 25-31% [20, 22,
23]. The risk of dislocation increases with time, regardless the type of
surgery and in spite of adequate restoration of soft tissues [24, 25]. At the
same time, no relationship has been noted between the dislocation rate, on the
one hand, and the patients’ sex, age, diagnosis, and the type of
endoprosthesis, on the other [26]. Surgery for dislocation increases the
treatment costs and health risks for the patient [15]. This problem has
important clinical and social implications and has no clear solution so far.
technical solution that can apparently prevent dislocation of endoprosthesis
head is to make a non-detachable ball-and-socket joint. In 1952, H. G. Van
Steenbrugghe was among the first to propose a total endoprosthesis of such a
design, with the femoral component fixed by neck [27]. In order to – among
other things – reduce the risk of displacement for the acetabulum component, J.
Charnley has begun implanting prostheses with a smaller head since 1960, but he
still reports a dislocation rate of 1.5% in the early postoperative period [28,
29]. Dislocation is currently prevented by using non-detachable systems. While
solving the main problem, however, their use is associated with excessive wear
of the friction pair, degradation of the bone-cement and cement-metal bonds,
leading to aseptic loosening and a catastrophic failure of the acetabulum
component [14]. Even at the early stages of implant arthroplasty, one of the
ways for solving the problem of hip implant dislocation was by completing the
implant design with an analog of the ligamentum teres (LT). The first hip endoprosthesis
of this type was proposed by Leon L. Pellet in 1954 [30].
The use
of native LT or its analog as a binding element in the endoprosthesis design
has not been fully developed yet. The purpose of this paper was to review
relevant international experience, from the concept formation to the
development and practical use of hip prostheses with native LT or its analogs,
and to understand the prospects for their use and improvement. Currently, there
are no systematic reviews on design of hip endoprostheses with the LT or its
analogs, registered as projects in PROSPERO and COCHRANE.
systematic review was done in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) Guidelines [31]. The Protocol
of Systematic Review of the topic in question was prepared and discussed by the
team of authors. The Protocol are available upon request from the corresponding
author. The basis of our review of international experience in creation and use
of hip endoprostheses with native LT or its analog was the study of patent
literature from the following electronic databases: Google Patents, Mountain
View, CA, USA (https: //; European Patent Organization
(EPO), Rijswijk, Netherlands (https: //; World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), New York, NY, USA (https: //;
Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), Moscow, Russian Federation
( Since the literature on the subject is quite scanty, we
did not limit the search by language or publication status. When examining the
identified documents, the authors gave preference to publications in Russian
and English, the languages they knew.
initial patent search was performed in the Google Patents electronic database
for the period January 1940—December 2019, inclusive. The eligibility criteria
were as follows: a full-text patent describing the design of any hip prosthesis
with native LT or its structural analog, or an element similar to native LT in
its position and function, located inside the natural hip joint or
endoprosthesis and connecting the implant head or the natural femoral head with
the acetabulum of the pelvis or the acetabulum part of the endoprosthesis. The
search was performed by keywords divided into three groups and connected by the
Boolean operators AND and OR as follows: (“ligament” OR “ligamentum” OR
“ligamentum teres” OR “cord” OR “band” OR “tape”) AND (“hip” OR “hip joint” OR
“acetabulum”) AND (“endoprosthesis” OR “prosthesis” OR “arthroplasty”). The
search was complicated by the lack of a special alphanumeric code for
endoprosthesis with native LT or its analog in the International Patent
Classification (IPC). The closest IPC codes — A61F2002/3233, A61F2002/30688 and
A61F2220/0075 — failed to identify the searched documents definitely. The lack
of common terminology also contributed to search inaccuracies: e.g.,
“endoprosthesis” (or “prosthesis” for short) was also termed as “implant”,
“device”, “socket” and “artificial joint”. The same was observed for the LT,
with its over three dozen synonyms used in the scientific and patent
literature: “ligamentum capitis femoris”, “ligamentum teres femoris”, “ligament
of head of femur”, etc.
the preliminary screening, links to patent documents displayed by the search
service were manually evaluated based on the eligibility criteria for the
title, the content of a brief excerpt from the text, and the accompanying
graphic material. Next, each patent document — an abstract or a full text —
that supposedly met the eligibility criteria was formally examined by reading
the text and viewing the illustrative material. If the document met the
eligibility criteria, the related documents were evaluated for compliance with
these criteria: patent and non-patent publications cited therein, patent
documents that cited this document, as well as similar documents from the lists
available on the viewed Internet page (Patent Citations, Non-Patent Citations,
Cited By, Similar Documents). Where the initial search failed to find the
full-text view of a document, the search switched to the electronic platforms
EPO, WIPO and FIPS. These databases were also used to ascertain the dates of
the earliest publications of eligible patent documents. The search for eligible
non-patent scientific publications mentioned in the related documents cited in
patents was done on the Google Scholar electronic platforms
(, PubMed (,
and in available libraries.
As the
result of our search on these resources, we obtained a cohort of publications
that passed the final screening. Of these, we excluded patent abstracts and
abstracts of scientific reports. Then, from the number full-text publications,
we excluded the descriptions of applications for invention. Next, we identified
and excluded duplicates among the remaining patent descriptions evaluated as
eligible and non-patent publications discussing the installation of the
devices. Thus, we obtained a list of publications for the final analysis.
All the
identified sources of patent information are listed in Table I, in the
order of their earliest priority. The nationality of patent authors was derived
from the two-letter codes of countries, administrative divisions and
intergovernmental organizations (WIPO ST.3). The risk of bias regarding the
applicability and the rational technical essence of the identified hip
prosthesis designs with native LT or its analog was ranked according to the
following criteria: 1) commercial devices used in clinical practice; 2)
small-batch devices used in clinical practice; 3) individually produced devices
used in clinical practice; 4) concepts presented as a text description of the
device design and installation method, with explanatory graphic material, never
used in clinical practice. The maximum risk of bias rating was assigned to
endoprostheses that fell under criterion 4, the minimum, to those under
criterion 1. The risk-of-bias assessment took into account the short-term
outcomes of arthroplasty described in both patent and non-patent documents. All
the identified designs were grouped by the type of endoprosthesis and by the
type of friction pair. Where the materials of friction pairs were either not
specified, or specified too broadly or not quite clearly, the friction pair was
assigned to the most likely type based on the description of the technical
essence of design. Next, we analyzed the options for using native LT or its
analogs in the hip endoprosthesis design, as well as analogs of the external
ligaments of the hip, if available. After finishing the review, we completed
the PRISMA 2009 checklist, which is available in the Appendix (Supporting
information). This systematic review had no external source of funding.
![]() |
Table I. Sources of patent information. |
systematic search among 9178 patent publications identified 130 patents and
applications for inventions dedicated to hip endoprostheses with native LT or
its analog. Of these, 26 abstracts, 28 applications for inventions and 56
duplicate patent descriptions were excluded at the stages of final screening
and eligibility assessment. Finally, 20 patent documents were included in the
systematic review. From the 55 initially identified non-patent sources
discussing various aspects of hip arthroplasty with an LT analog, including
those describing short-term outcomes of the surgery, we selected two
publications in Russian meeting the eligibility criteria [32, 33].
flowchart for selecting information sources (Figure 1) follows the
recommendations of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) [31]. Eligible patent documents selected for the
systematic review are presented in Table I.
![]() |
Figure 1. Flowchart of literature search according to PRISMA guidelines (31). |
Of the 20 patents selected for the systematic review, 15 were in English, 3 in Russian, 1 in German and 1 in Chinese.
selected patents on hip endoprostheses with native LT or its analogs were
grouped by the earliest priority date and presented in (Figure 2). The
main numbers of patents coming from 90-th years to current time. Therefore, it
is possible to conclude that interest to type of hip endoprostheses with native
LT has been grow up from 90-th and still remain at this level.
![]() |
Figure 2. Patent distribution by earliest priority date. |
We identified 40 authors of patents for invention of hip endoprostheses with native LT or its analog, their nationalities are shown in (Figure 3). The dominated activity - 60% of patents was registered at the US, the second place is 17.5% - Denmark, third (10%) Soviet Union. All the others are less than 3%.
![]() |
3. Nationalities of authors of inventions. |
The risk of bias regarding the applicability and the rational technical essence of identified hip prosthesis designs with native LT or its analogs is ranked in Table II. It is no commercial endoprostheses with LT in this time. A few constructions were applied at clinics; however, results are not clear.
![]() |
Table II. Risk of bias regarding endoprosthesis applicability. |
The identified designs of endoprostheses with native LT or its analogs were grouped by type and presented in Table III (Figure 4-6).
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Table III. Distribution of endoprostheses by the type of design. |
![]() |
4. Unipolar partial hip endoprosthesis with an artificial LT, which is
indicated by the number 36 (30). |
![]() |
5. Total hip endoprosthesis with an artificial LT, which is indicated by the
sing TL (52). |
Figure 6. Surface replacement arthroplasty with the native LT, which is indicated by the number 56 (43).
The friction pair characteristics and combination of materials are of great importance for the endoprosthesis functioning. The designs of the reviewed hip prostheses with native LT or its analog were grouped by friction pair materials and presented in Table IV.
![]() |
Table IV. Distribution of endoprosthesis designs by the type of friction pair. |
Most of
the hip endoprosthesis designs with native LT or its analog that passed the
final screening date back to the first decade of the 21st century. That was the
period of extensive introduction of methods for hip arthroscopy and a growing
use of magnetic resonance and computed tomography, and the number of
publications mentioning the LT increased significantly. Another possible
explanation for the fact is that the growing number of hip replacements was
associated with the growing number of implant dislocations. This, again,
stimulated the efforts to improve anti-luxation prostheses.
Based on
the risk of bias regarding the applicability criterion, most of the proposed
devices have the maximum risk rating of 4. We have failed to identify any
commercially available endoprostheses with native LT or its analog, and hence
any devices with the minimum risk rating of 1. Only two subtotal hip
endoprostheses with an LT analog are known to have been used in clinical
practice. The first one — a subtotal endoprosthesis designed by G.E. Dudko —
has been implanted since 1984, and its risk-of-bias can be rated as 2 [35]. The
second one — proposed by V.A. Neverov and V.A. Shilnikov — has been used since
1990 and is assigned a risk-of-bias rating of 3 [37]. The short-term outcomes
of their medical use were assessed as satisfactory [32, 33, 35, 37]. We have
not succeeded in finding any long-term outcomes of these surgical interventions
in the literature.
publications about the practical use of hip endoprostheses with an LT analog do
not allow any firm conclusions about their benefits and drawbacks. Of all known
endoprosthesis designs that propose the use of native LT or its analog, 18 have
never been implanted and there are no available reports on their laboratory and
clinical trials.
endoprostheses with native LT and its analog included in the review fall under
the existing classification of implants for hip arthroplasty. However, the
specific nature of patent documentation allowed the authors to claim their
proposed technical solution as belonging to several types and, in some cases,
not to specify the type of design at all. We classified 11 of the identified
endoprostheses as total hip endoprostheses (see Table III), 5 as
unipolar partial hip endoprostheses (subtotal endoprosthesis, subtotal hip
prosthesis system), 4 as surface replacement arthroplasty (mould arthroplasty),
2 as partial endoprostheses, and 1 as a spacer prosthesis. We failed to
identify any bipolar partial hip endoprosthesis, revision endoprosthesis or
tumor endoprosthesis (e.g., pelvis tumor-prosthesis) with an LT analog.
Some of
the identified devices (see Table III) for surface replacement
arthroplasty, partial acetabular rim arthroplasty and spacer endoprosthesis are
claimed as intended for retainment of the LT [41, 43, 46, 50]. These
endoprostheses repeat the form of a part of the femoral head articular surface
or the lunate surface of the acetabulum and, generally, have a horseshoe shape.
However, there are some similar devices, of a similar shape (C-shaped, U-shaped,
lunate), whose description has no mentioning of the LT. The technical idea
behind the C-shape is to help preserve the fat pad in the acetabular fossa,
preserve its blood supply, and ensure normal functioning and natural
lubrication of the joint [53, 54].
Most of
the proposed hip endoprostheses with native LT or its analog are supposed to
use a metal head, less often, a polymer one, and quite rarely, a ceramic one
(see Table IV). Some authors propose various embodiments of friction
pair, which do not exclude the use of native cartilage for one of the
components [45, 46, 50] Although some inventions do not specify the type of
friction pair, it can be assumed from the context that their proposed
endoprosthesis has a metal head [30, 36, 38, 39, 49, 51, 52]. Yet other designs
do not clearly state it either, but one can surmise that the endoprosthesis
head or the acetabular liner is made of a polymer material [35, 48, 52]. We
have found design embodiments with a non-detachable articulating system in the form
of an industrially manufactured monobloc [42, 47, 49]. In some endoprostheses,
the articulation system is supposed to be enclosed by an analog of the joint
capsule: a cuff or a cover made of a synthetic material [38]. In rare cases, it
is proposed to use a lubricant in the friction pair [43, 47].
endoprostheses use native LT, others, a modified one, and still others replace
it by a specially designed analog. It is proposed that healthy native LT should
be retained in surface replacement arthroplasty, spacer prosthetics and in
total hip arthroplasty [41, 43, 46, 48, 50]. If the native LT is not healthy,
it can be reinforced with an artificial structure [48]. As noted in the device
descriptions, an LT can be reconstructed using biological tissues (auto-, allo-
or xenografts), polymer materials, and combination thereof [35-37, 39, 42, 44,
45]. There are known proposals to make LT analogs of metal, in the form of
rods, chains or cords [30, 34, 38]. Some designs provide LT analogs with a
protective coating 45, 47, others, with a coating that carries a drug, e.g. an
antibiotic [52]. It has also been proposed to make an external deformable
coating for LT analog and put antibiotics inside [45]. Assuming that an LT
analog can be damaged during its use, various methods for its repair are
discussed [47].
endoprostheses are proposed to be supplemented with artificial analogs of
external ligaments [39, 44, 48]. Here, we should note that there is a method
for creating artificial external ligaments to prevent post-arthroplasty
dislocation. The method was tested in practice and proved useful [55-60]. The
above-said supports the feasibility of supplementing hip prosthesis with native
LT or its analog, analogs of external ligaments, and retaining them whenever possible
during arthroplasty. The most tricky and highly specialized aspect of creating
endoprosthesis with an LT analog is to provide conditions for the element
functioning, proper positioning of its attachment areas, its geometric and
mechanical properties. The lack of fundamental experimental and clinical
studies of these issues makes it impossible to evaluate properly all data
presented in the reviewed sources.
patents for inventions, we have identified 20 descriptions of various hip
endoprosthesis systems which include native LT or its analog. At the same time,
there is an apparent new trend in arthroplasty – creation of endoprostheses
that are structurally similar to the natural joint and include the ligamentous
apparatus as their structural component. There is need for further studies of
mechanical impacts on an LT analog and its attachment area, the nature of its
connection with the other parts of the endoprosthesis. These issues are among
the least developed in this field.
of post-operative dislocations requires developing new surgical approaches and
methods for placing an endoprosthesis while retaining or adequately
reconstructing the natural ligamentous apparatus. The variety of the already
available designs demonstrates multiple potential solutions to the pressing
problems of arthroplasty, on the one hand, and the scarcity of basic data, on
the other.
such endoprostheses seems quite realistic. However, it requires extensive
preliminary research and development efforts. These devices can likely make a
line of implants for staged arthroplasty, from simple and small ones, requiring
minimal removal of native tissues, to complex and massive reconstructive and
oncologic endoprostheses. The common distinguishing feature of the
new-generation endoprostheses should be the ideology of retaining or
reconstructing the ligamentous apparatus of the hip joint.
work submits to the ethical standards of the Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons
Journal [61]. All data and material are available upon request from the
corresponding author.
S.V.A –
design of investigation, collecting the data and it’s systematization, analysis
the data, writing a draft; D.V.S – conception and design of investigation,
system analysis the data, revising the text; S.V.A & D.V.S – writing text;
all authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript at all
authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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& Affiliations
Arkhipov (1, 2)
Skvortsov (1)
Laboratory of Clinical Physiology and Biomechanics, Federal State Budgetary
Institution “N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and
Orthopaedics” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow,
Group of Companies, Surgical Department, Solyanka str. 12/1, 109240, Moscow,
Arkhipov SV, Skvortsov DV. Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis–Necessary or Superfluous? A Systematic Review. MLTJ. 2021:11(2)301-10. doi:10.32098/mltj.02.2021.13 [ ,]
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