On the Role of the Ligamentum Capitis Femoris in the Maintenance of Different Types of Erect Posture
S.V. Arkhipov
Keywords: ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, abductor muscle group, role, function, hip joint, model, biomechanics, walk, gait cycle, single-legged stance
experimental and clinical data on the function of the ligamentum capitis
femoris (LCF) and its participation in maintaining an erect posture were
obtained. It was established that this anatomical element is involved in
constraining the hip joint adduction and may fix the joint in the frontal plane, turning it
into an analogue of a second-class lever. In both unstrained one-support and
asymmetrical two-support orthostatic postures, when the LCF is stretched and
the abductor muscle group is exerted, a load equal to the body weight is evenly
distributed between the upper and lower hemispheres of the caput femoris. In
addition, the LCF function increases the steadiness of the erect posture and
unloads the muscle apparatus.
ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is an integral anatomical element of the human
body [1, 2]. It is located in the hip joint (HJ), connecting the thigh and hip
bones [3], in a special osteochondrous cavity composed of the acetabular fossa
and notch on one side and the articular surface of the caput femoris (CF) on
the other side. The normal LCF length is about 2.5 cm [4], so that its
visualization is possible only with modern tools [5–7]. We found one of the first reliable mentions of the LCF in
Vesalius’s Epitome […] (1543) [8]. In the Russian literature, the earliest
description of the LCF was given by Naranovich (1850) [9].
function of the LCF has not been unambiguously determined [6] and is subject to
controversy. Tonkov wrote that the LCF function “… is not perfectly clear; in
any case, its mechanical significance is not so great” [4]. However, according
to Neverov and Shil’nikov, it plays an important role in HJ biomechanics [10],
while Vorob’ev claimed that its “biomechanical function” is of importance only
under certain conditions [11]. On the other hand, Pirogov compared the LCF to
“a steel spring on which the pelvis is suspended from the caput” [12]. Gerdy
and Savory [13] advanced a similar opinion, the former author noting that the
LCF is exerted in the erect posture. Ivanitskii, when touching on the role of
the LCF in maintaining an erect posture, wrote [14], “[…] in an asymmetrical
posture, with the pelvis tilted, the ligamentum capitis femoris on the side of
the supporting, usually straightened, leg is stretched to reinforce the hip
joint” [14].
Four main
types of erect posture are known (Fig. 1). A horizontal position of the pelvis
and equal loading of both inferior limbs straightened in the knee joints
characterize a two-support symmetrical orthostatic position. With a two-support
asymmetrical orthostatic position (asymmetrical standing, or an at ease
posture), one of the legs is straightened while the other is bent at the knee
joint and HJ, the pelvis deviating from the horizontal plane [14, 15].
One-support orthostatic positions are usually subdivided into “strong” and
“weak” postures [16]. In our opinion, it is more apposite to call them
“strained” and “unstrained,” respectively. The strained one-support position is
characterized by a horizontal position of the pelvis, while its inclination to
the side opposite the support, with less exertion of the muscles of the
supporting leg, is characteristic of the unstrained posture.
In HJ biomechanics, it is commonly accepted that maintaining an orthostatic position in the frontal plane depends only on muscles [16–20]. The LCF is not mentioned as a functional component of the HJ, and its mechanical reaction is not considered in calculating CF loading.
The purpose
of this study was to clarify the function of the LCF and its role in
maintaining different types of erect posture.
In order to
study the different types of erect posture, we selected 104 men with no HJ
pathology aged from 18 to 24 years (18.9 years on average). At the first stage, each subject assumed a
two-support symmetrical orthostatic position with equal loads on both inferior
limbs. Then, the subject was asked to assume a two-support asymmetrical
orthostatic position, with the left leg bent at the HJ and knee joint, the
right one remaining straightened, and the pelvis tilted relative to the
horizontal plane. Then, the subject assumed a strained one-support orthostatic
position with the weight on the right leg; this was followed by a transition to
the unstrained position. In this position, we measured the value of hip
adduction in the supporting HJ. In each type of erect posture, we recorded the
position of the pelvis and the angular proportions in the large joints of the
inferior limbs. In the one-support position, attention was paid to the degree
of exertion of the muscles of the supporting leg and the general steadiness of
the posture.
At the
second stage, we clarified
the role of the ligament apparatus in constraining adduction of the hip and
tilting of the pelvis and in fixing the HJ in an unstrained one-support position. The relationships
between the positions of the pelvis and the supporting hip were reproduced in a
prone position with completely relaxed muscles, which permitted us to exclude
the influence of the
weight of the body and muscles on functioning of the ligament apparatus of the
HJ. The straightened, relaxed leg of the subject was elevated upwards as far as
possible and shifted to the body midline up to the limit of the ligament
stretching. Then, we measured the value of the hip adduction angle of the HJ.
Quantitative data were analyzed using the Excel 97 software. The program
calculated the mean, the standard deviation, the median, the mode, Student’s
test, and the coefficient of correlation. The value of the adduction of the
supporting hip in an unstrained one-support orthostatic position was compared with
that of the maximum adduction of the hip in a prone position, with maximum HJ
extension and relaxed muscles.
In order to
clarify the functions of the LCF and abductor muscle group, we constructed a
plane mechanical model of the HJ containing analogues of the considered
structures. It was based on an actual survey roentgenogram of the pelvis of a
young man with no HJ pathology. The pelvis and the proximal part of the right
femoral bone were drawn full size, separately, on a sheet of stiff cardboard and
then cut out along the contour. The centers of the drawings of the acetabulum
and LCF were conjoined or, in some cases, linked by a metal pin. A thin nylon
thread 20 mm long linking the center of the drawing of the CF fossa with a
point in the lower section of the drawing of the acetabular fossa was used as a
model of the LCF. A thin rubber belt 1 mm in diameter was used as a model of
the abductor muscle group. One of the ends was fastened to the upper edge of
the drawing of the iliac crest, and the other, to the analogue of the greater
trochanter. The properties of the model were studied both in the absence of the
LCF and abductor muscle group models and in their presence in different
combinations. We clarified the possible rotational and translational movements
of the femoral part of the model in the frontal plane. The location of the
loading regions in the acetabulum and CF, the direction of the reaction forces
of the LCF and abductor muscle group analogues, and the direction of the
resultant force at different phases of adduction were determined. We simulated
equilibrium conditions for a pelvis moving in the frontal plane in the strained
and unstrained one-support orthostatic positions (Figs. 2a, 2b).
In order to study the functions of the LCF and abductor muscle group in more detail, we constructed a three-dimensional HJ model. We used a Thompson unipolar HJ endoprosthesis fixed on a ringlike base, with a small plate simulating the greater trochanter, as a femoral basal element. In accordance with the diameter of the CF analogue, a metal model of the acetabulum was made in the form of a thick-walled spherical shell having a shaped recess that simulated the acetabular fossa and notch. A plate simulating the iliac crest and a plate for suspending a load, a 1- to 3-kg dumbbell, were attached from the outside. The model contained an LCF analogue made from a nylon cord 5 mm in diameter. One end of this cord was tightly fixed to an opening made in the shaped recess of the acetabulum model, and the other, to the CF analogue. Both parts of the model were also linked to a dynamometer, whose spring simulated the function of the abductor muscle group; oil lubricated the friction node. The properties of the model were studied both in the absence of the LCF and abductor muscle group analogues and in their presence in different combinations. In some experiments, we changed the length of the abductor muscle group analogue, thereby modeling different degrees of its exertion. We determined the possible rotational and translational movements in the hinge of the model, their range, and constraints. We modeled equilibrium conditions for the pelvis moving in the frontal plane in the unstrained and strained types of one-support orthostatic position (Figs. 2c–2e) and clarified the location of the load region in the simulated CF.
Analysis of
the data obtained for healthy subjects permitted us to characterize the main
features of the known orthostatic positions. In a two-support symmetrical
orthostatic position, the pelvis was disposed horizontally; in the asymmetrical
position, it was tilted toward the leg bent at the HJ and knee joint. The body
was at rest with no prominent fluctuations in the frontal plane. The two-support asymmetrical
orthostatic position has proved to be preferable for subjects as requiring a
lesser effort of the muscles of the leg bent at the knee joint. In a strained
one-support orthostatic position, the pelvis acquired a horizontal orientation.
On a transition to the unstrained one-support orthostatic position, we observed
adduction, extension, and outward rotation in the HJ. The pelvis shifted
translationally toward the supporting leg, its nonsupporting half leaning
downwards. The amount of tilt of the pelvis in the frontal plane was practically
the same as that in a two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position (Fig. 1).
Both unstrained and strained one-support orthostatic positions were equally
steady, but a lesser exertion of the muscles of the supporting leg was
characteristic of the unstrained position. We found the presence of muscle tone
in the abductor muscle group. The mean angular value of the maximum adduction
in the supporting HJ was 18.51 ± 2.29°, with medians and modes equal to 19°.
When the positions of the pelvis and the supporting hip characteristic of an
unstrained one-support orthostatic position were reproduced in the prone
posture, the mean angular value of the maximum HJ adduction was 19.09 ± 2.52°,
with the median and mode equal to 19°. Comparison of the adduction angles in
the unstrained one-support orthostatic and recumbent postures showed that, at
the individual level, the correlation of their values was 0.90 (p < 0.001)
with no statistically significant differences in the mean values. Therefore, in the unstrained one-support
orthostatic position, the adduction of the hip and closing of the HJ in the
frontal plane are maximum, which occurs mainly at the expense of the ligaments
with minimum participation of muscles.
with the plane and three-dimensional mechanical models showed that the LCF
imposes constraints on the HJ adduction by limiting abduction, pronation and
supination, and translational outward and upward CF movements, and also
prevents dislocation. Stretching of the LCF is brought about by adducting the
hip and inclining the pelvis to the nonsupporting side, which means that the HJ
closes in the frontal plane, becoming an analogue of a second-class lever (Fig.
3a). In the absence of abductor muscle group exertion, the resultant force
acting on the HJ is directed upwards, loading only the inner distal part of the
CF (Figs. 2e, 3a). Our data confirm that exertion of the abductor muscle group increases abduction and
constrains adduction of the hip. In cooperation with antagonists, it is capable
of closing the HJ in the frontal plane in an arbitrary position. If the
abductor muscle group is exerted without stretching of the LCF, the resultant
force acting on the HJ is directed upwards, loading only the inner proximal
part of the CF (Figs. 2c, 3c). The abductor muscle group cooperates with the
LCF in constraining adduction. Its tightening can decrease the LCF stretching,
and, vice versa, a stretched LCF decreases the load on the abductor muscle
group (Figs. 2b, 2d, 3b).
It was established experimentally that the LCF is not subjected to stretching in a strained one-support orthostatic posture, while the abductor muscle group and its antagonists damp the HJ movements in the frontal plane (Figs. 2a, 2c). Here, the HJ is an analogue of a first-class lever, which means loading of the upper hemisphere of the CF. If we assume that the lever (L) of the body weight (P) exceeds threefold the lever (L1) of the abductor muscle group effort (F) (Fig. 3c), then the equilibrium condition for a strained type of one-support orthostatic position in the frontal plane is
LP = L1F.
The force
(F1) produced by the abductor muscle group will be three times greater than the
body weight,
F = LP/L1 = 3P.
Then, the
resultant downward force (F1) acting on the CF is four times greater than the
body weight:
F1= F + P = 4P.
Such heavy
loads are normally brief, being observed in the case of the strained type of
the one-support orthostatic position and during the transition from the
two-support orthostatic posture to the unstrained type of the one-support
orthostatic position. In our opinion, the prolonged fixation of the HJ in the one-support orthostatic
posture at the expense of only muscle exertion is inefficient, leading to LCF overloading and,
therefore, to HJ pathology. The above calculations hold true even in the case
of a severe LCF injury, e.g., after a cured traumatic hip dislocation and in HJ
endoprostheses devoid of an LCF analogue.
Analysis of
the experimental data and results of clinical examinations indicates that, in the
unstrained one-support orthostatic posture, hip adduction and tilting of the
pelvis toward nonsupporting side are constrained mainly by a stretching LCF
(Figs. 2b, 2d, 2e), which agrees with the opinions of other authors [3, 14].
The pelvis, as stated by Pirogov, is “suspended” from
the LCF
[12]. The function of the abductor muscle group consists only of decreasing the
LCF loading, which ensures the body’s equilibrium. The combination of
stretching of the LCF and exertion of the abductor muscle group is optimal in
terms of loading all HJ elements and maintaining the steadiness of the erect
posture in the frontal plane. In this case, the proximal region of the LCF fixation is the center of rotation,
while the HJ is an analogue of a first-class lever. If one assumes that the lever (L) of the body weight
(P) is equal to the lever (L1) of the abductor muscle group effort (F) (Fig.
3b), then the equilibrium condition in the frontal plane is as follows:
LP = L1F1,
the LCF
reaction (F1) will be
F1 = P + F = 2P.
Given this
type of a one-support orthostatic posture, both the stretched LCF and the
tightened abductor muscle group deviate from the vertical. The horizontal
components of the reaction forces of the LCF and the abductor muscle group are
summed, resulting in a horizontal force (F2) that uniformly presses the
acetabulum to the CF. The mean angular deviation from the vertical of the force
produced by the abductor muscle group is 21° [17]; the angular deviation of the
LCF is, according to our data, about 50°. The calculations show that the amount
of F2 pressing the pelvis to the CF is approximately equal to twice the weight
of the body (1.96 P), with the horizontal component of the LCF reaction force
equal to 1.6 P and the horizontal component of the abductor muscle group
reaction force equal to 0.36 P. The loads on the upper and lower CF hemispheres
are approximately equivalent to the body weight without taking into account the
mass of the supporting leg.
In an unstrained one-support orthostatic posture with little or no participation of the abductor muscle (Fig. 2d), the movement of the HJ in the frontal plane is that of a second-class lever analogue. If we assume that the lever (L) of the body weight (P) exceeds threefold the lever (L1) of the LCF reaction force (F1) (Fig. 3a), then the equilibrium condition of this kind of erect posture can be written as follows:
LP = L1F1.
the LCF reaction (F1) is equal to three times the weight of the body:
F1 = LP/L1 = 3P,
resultant upward force (F2) acting on the CF is equal to two times the weight
of the body:
F2 = F1 – P = 2P.
F1 and P
have opposite signs, as the forces equilibrating the pelvis have opposite
In the
two-support symmetrical orthostatic position, the pelvis–lower limbs system is
an analogue of a hinged frame. If the legs are evenly loaded, the resultant
force acts predominantly on the upper hemisphere of both CFs. Without muscle
exertion being taken into account, each of them is under a load equal to one
half of the body weight located above the HJ level. The abductor and adductor
muscles, without the participation of the LCF (Fig. 3d), bring about fixation of the HJ in the frontal
In a
two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position, the lower limb girdle is also an
analogue of a hinged frame, the pelvis being tilted in the frontal plane. On
the side of the straightened leg, provided that the LCF stretching and the
abductor muscle group tightening are in equilibrium, the load on the CF is
evenly distributed, as in the case of an unstrained one-support orthostatic
Thus, both its upper and lower hemispheres are subjected to a load equal to one-fourth of the body weight located above the HJ. On the side of the bent leg, the LCF is not stretched, and so the CF is under downward pressure equal to one half of the body weight (Fig. 3e). The pelvis is fixed in the frontal plane by means of the abductor muscle group and its antagonists and on the side of the extended leg by means of the LCF. The two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position is optimal with respect to the distribution of load between both HJs and the muscles.
1. We
established experimentally that the LCF constrains adduction and lateral and
cranial CF displacement and can close the HJ in the frontal plane, which is
equivalent to the transformation of this structure into an analogue of a
second-class lever.
2. The
unstrained type of the one-support orthostatic position, when frontal closure
of the HJ is only at the expense of the LCF, provides complete unloading of the
abductor muscle group. In this case, the resultant load on the CF has an upward
direction, being approximately equal to twice the body weight. This load is
evenly distributed between the upper and lower CF hemispheres by a combination
of tightening of the abductor muscle group and stretching of the LCF.
3. LCF
stretching does not occur in a strained type of the one-support orthostatic
position. The HJ is damped in the frontal plane by exertion of the abductor
muscle group and its antagonists, the resultant load on the CF having a
downward direction and being approximately equal to four times the body weight.
4. In the
two-support symmetrical orthostatic position, provided that the legs are evenly
loaded, the resultant force acts predominantly on the upper hemispheres of both
CFs, each of these carrying one half of the body weight located above the HJ
5. In the
two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position, the resultant force, which is
equal to one half of the body weight, acts, on the side of the bent leg, on the
upper hemisphere of the CF, while on the side of the straightened leg, the load
on the CF is evenly distributed between the upper and lower hemispheres and is
equal to one-fourth of the body weight located above the HJ level.
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& Affiliations
Central District Hospital, Polessk, Kaliningrad oblast, 238630 Russia
Arkhipov SV. On the role of the ligamentum capitis femoris in the maintenance of different types of erect posture. Human Physiology. 2008;34(1)79-85. [researchgate.net , semanticscholar.org]
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