Fragments of the article Kaku N, Shimada T, Tabata T, Tagomori H, Abe T, Zhang JJ, Tsumura H. Three-dimensional architecture of the ligamentum teres in the human hip joint (2017). The article discusses the internal structure and attachment features of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in the norm.
Background: We aimed to
investigate the three-dimensional structure of the collagenous fibers of the
ligamentum teres (LT) of the human hip and clarify the LT micro-anatomy at the
attachment of the femoral head.
Methods: Femoral heads and LT were collected during hip
arthroplasty. Specimens were cut into 5–10-mm squares, prepared, developed, and
observed under a light microscope. Next, specimens were prepared and examined
under a scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Results: Under optical microscope, LT adhered to the
artificial cartilage at the attachment of the femoral head. Under SEM, LT
comprised parallelly arranged collagenous fibers and the fine collagenous
fibrils were twisted. While the central collagenous fibers of the LT at the
attachment of the femoral head penetrated the articular cartilage tissue and
reached the ring-shaped bone, fibers at the margin traversed and adhered to the
cartilage surface.
Conclusion: Articular cartilage and subchondral bone are present
at the LT attachment to the femoral head. Although collagenous fibers of the LT
show parallel arrangement at the main trunk, they are dispersed at the
cartilage surface and not all reach the thin subchondral bone of the femoral
head. This could possibly weaken ligament strength at the attachment of the
femoral head.
External links
Kaku N, Shimada T, Tabata T, Tagomori H, Abe T, Zhang JJ, Tsumura H.
Three-dimensional architecture of the ligamentum teres in the human hip joint.
MLTJ. 2017;7(3)442-8. [
Authors & Affiliations
Nobuhiro Kaku – Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
Oita University, Oita, Japan
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament
of head of femur, anatomy, microscope, structure
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