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(Erroneous and folkloric beliefs, folk and traditional stories...) 

    • LCF in English Bibles The first written mention of the LCF in humans is found in the ancient Hebrew book – Bereshit (Genesis). In English translations of the Bible, LCF is denoted by various terms, often not explicitly referring to the «ligament». 
    • The Shortest Comments on Genesis, Chap. XXXII-XXXIII In the selected excerpt, the symptoms, mechanism, and differential diagnostic test for the injury to LCF are provided, along with details about the circumstances, time, and place of the biblical trauma. 
    • 1609-1583bcProtoBereshit Hypothesis: in the work of fiction, an unknown physician-encyclopedist for the first time pointed out damage to the LCF as a cause of gait disturbance. 
    • 922-722bcElohist A variant of the oldest description of damage to the LCF and the cause of lameness in Hebrew, dating from 922-722 BC. 
    • 8cent.bcHomer The poet describes an open hip fracture-dislocation, which is usually accompanied by damage to the LCF.
    • 650-570bcJeremiah_Baruch The editors of the book of Bereishit mention the LCF of the animal. 
    • 5-2cent.bcSamaritan Pentateuch The Samaritan text contains references to the LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 445bсEzra An extreme Hebrew version of a passage from the Book of Bereshit mentioning the LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 3-1cent.bcSeptuaginta The text in ancient Greek contains references to the LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 50-135Akiva ben Joseph The rabbi mentions the LCF of the animal. 
    • 80-110Eliezer ben Hyrcanus The author indicates the location of the LCF and describes its injury. 
    • 80-120Targum Onkelos The Aramaic text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 93-94JosephusF The author mentions LCF in an animal and an episode of its damage in a human. 
    • 1-2cent.Vetus Latina The oldest Latin text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 1-3cent.Peshitta The Syriac text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 135-170Yehudah ben Ilai The religious scholar points out the distal attachment site of the LCF and demonstrates knowledge of the possibility of its injury. 
    • 150-250Targum Jonathan The mentions ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in an animal and an episode of its damage in a human.
    • 165-257Shmuel Babylonian physician demonstrates knowledge of LCF injury, identifies topography and distal attachment site. 
    • 190-230Mishnah Chullin Selected quotations discuss the presence of LCF in different animals, its location and distal attachment site. 
    • 200Mekilta de-Rabbi Yishmael The passage we have chosen mentions the LCF of the animal. 
    • 2-3cent.Coptic Bible The Coptic text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 220-299Yehuda ben Yechezkel The religious scholar points out the location of the LCF in animals and distinguishes it from the sciatic nerve. 
    • 220-320Kahana The rabbi points out the location of the LCF and knows how to differentiate it from the sciatic nerve. 
    • 250-350Sifra The passage we have chosen mentions the LCF of the animal.
    • 280-352Rava The rabbi identifies the location and distal attachment site of the LCF and demonstrates knowledge of its function. 
    • 290-320Chisda The religious scholar indirectly mentions LCF. 
    • 320-350Abun bar Ḥiyya The rabbi notes the presence of LCF in the even-toed ungulate - the deer.
    • 320-350Aha The rabbi points out the location of the LCF and knows how to differentiate it from the sciatic nerve. 
    • 375-425Jerusalem Talmud The rabbis discuss the presence of LCF in different animals.
    • 375-425Ravina The rabbi speaks about the presence of the LCF and explains how it differs from the sciatic nerve. 
    • 386Ambrosius Mediolanensis The author mentions LCF of the animal.
    • 386-397John Chrysostom The author mentions LCF in an animal and an episode of its damage in a human. 
    • 4cent.Gothic Bible A Gothic term that may have been used to refer to the LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 4-5cent.Ethiopic Bible The Ethiopic text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 398-405Jerome of Stridon The Latin text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 435Armenian Bible The ancient Armenian text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 450-550Babylonian Talmud The rabbis discuss the presence of LCF in different animals, its location, role, distal attachment area, and the possibility of damage.
    • 5-6cent.Georgian Bible The ancient Georgian text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.  
    • 862-885Cyril_Methodius An Old Slavonic terms that may have been used to refer to the LCF of an animal and a human. 
    • 893-927Gregory the Presbyter An Old Slavonic term that may have been used to refer to the LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 927-942Arabic Bible The Arabic text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 978Oshki Bible The ancient Georgian text contains mentioned to LCF of an animal and a human.
    • 1039-1065Giorgi Mtatsmindeli The translator mentions the LCF damage, and notes its presence in animals.
    • 1120-1140Judah Halevi The author mentions LCF (גיד) of mammals.
    • 1176-1178(a)Rambam The author mentions the pathology of LCF (גיד) in humans and points out the presence of this structure in animals.
    • 1176-1178(b)Rambam The author writes about the localization of LCF (גיד) ) and distinguishes it from a tendon, blood vessel or nerve.
    • 1185-1235David Kimchi The author writes about the localization, purpose, and injury of the LCF (גיד), and also talks about its presence in adult animals and embryos. 
    • 1190Rambam The author mentions a variant of the pathology LCF (גיד) in humans.
    • 1220-1260Hezekiah ben Manoah The author briefly mentions LCF (גיד) of animals.
    • 1255-1285Sefer HaChinukh The author mentions LCF (גיד) of animals.
    • 1290-1310Bahya ben Asher The author discusses the damage to the LCF (גיד), its strength, role and shape, mentioning the presence of this structure in animals.
    • 1270-1340Jacob ben Asher The author mentions LCF (גיד) damage in humans and notes its presence in animals.
    • 1482-1548BartenuraO The author refers to the LCF of animals using the term "גיד".
    • 1742Chaim_ben_Attar The author mentions the LCF of man and animal, calling this formation “גיד הנשה” (gid ha-nashe). 
    • 1802PaleyW Mention of the LCF in theological literature. 
    • 1922LeeserI The fragment from the Book of Genesis recounts the journey of the family of Patriarch Jacob from Charan to Canaan (Gen. 31:1 – 33:20). In the provided excerpt of the ancient text, for the first time in history, the injury to the LCF of a man is mentioned (Gen. 32:26,33). 
    • 2013MorrisonC_KookAI The rabbi writes about the mechanical function of the LCF in humans.
    • 2019(a)ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV For the first time, damage to the ligament of the head of femur in humans and the mechanism of injury are described in the Bible. Read more in the article: Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions. 



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