Saying of Akiva ben Joseph extracted from the book Mekilta de-Rabbi Yishmael (ca. 200). Tractate was written in Israel, and interprets about a quarter of the chapters in Exodus. The rabbi mentions the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) of the animal. See our commentary at the link: 50-135Akiva ben Joseph [Rus].
Tractate Kaspa. 5:19
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Tractate Kaspa. 5:19
R. Akiva says: It need not be written (that eating meat and milk is forbidden), for it follows a fortiori, viz.: If the thigh sinew (gid hanasheh), which is not forbidden to be cooked, is forbidden to be eaten, then meat and milk, which is forbidden to be cooked, how much more so should it be forbidden to be eaten! (Transl. by Rabbi_Shraga_Silverstein; original source:
External links
Mekilta de-Rabbi Yishmael. ca. 200. [ ,]
Authors & Affiliations
Akiva ben Joseph (Rabbi Akiva, ca. 50 – 135) was a leading Jewish scholar and sage, lived in Palestine. [ ,]
Yishmael ben Elisha is supposed to have laid the foundation for the Mekhilta, later called Mekilta de-Rabbi Yishmael: «composed an explanatory midrash to the last four books of the Pentateuch». [ ,]
Rabbi Yishmael (Yishmael ben Elisha Nachmani, ca. 110 – ca. 135) was a rabbi, scholar, lived in Palestine. [ , ,].
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, Bible, Torah, animals, synonym
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