(Types of illnesses and injury...
- 1012-1024Avicenna The author writes about the localization and variant of the pathology LCF, leading to hip dislocation.
- 1544GuidiG The author publishes a translation into Latin of Galen of Pergamon's commentary on Hippocrates' book «On Joints» with a deep discussion of the pathology of LCF.
- 1579PareA The author discusses the attachment, pathology, and treatment of abnormal LCF in hip dislocation.
- 1605BauhinC The author writes about the attachment, function, possible elongation and damage of the LCF.
- 1614PlatterF The author notes the role of the LCF in fixing the femur in the acetabulum and the possibility of its lengthening.
- 1679DiemerbroeckI The author describes the pathology variants, function, topography and attachment of the LCF.
- 1705PetitJL The author writes about anatomy, role, and damage of the LCF in hip dislocation.
- 1709PetitJL The author discusses the anatomy, role and damage of the LCF in hip dislocation, and also mentions the principle of treatment.
- 1715MunnicksJ The author describes the attachment, shape, role of the LCF, and discusses subluxation of the hip.
- 1726PalfinJ The author writes about the attachment and role of the LCF, and also reports its damage in hip dislocation.
- 1747PlatnerJZ The author writes about the LCF as a durable structure that can be damaged and also pathologically change: weaken, lengthen and disappear.
- 1794(a)SommerringT The author describes the attachment, role, and absence of the LCF
- 1823CooperA According to the author, the LCF is intended to prevent dislocations in all directions.
- 1835CooperAP The author discusses LCF injury during hip dislocation and notes the important role of its blood vessels in supplying the femoral head.
- 1838MalgaigneJF The author discusses the role and anatomy of the LCF, as well as its involvement in the blood supply to the femoral head.
- 1844PetitJL Reprint of an 18th-century author's work discussing the anatomy, role and damage of the LCF in hip dislocation.
- 1847FroriepR The author depicted the LCF in the consequences of traumatic and congenital hip dislocation.
- 1847DupuytrenG The author briefly discusses changes in the LCF in hip dysplasia and its role in supplying blood to the femoral head.
- 1851CooperAP The author discusses changes in the LCF during hip fractures and dislocations.
- 1855BichatX The author describes the anatomy and possible types of damage to the LCF.
- 1869BigelowHJ The author discusses LCF damage in hip dislocations.
- 1873AdamsR The author discusses pathological changes in the LCF in chronic osteoarthritis of the hip joint.
- 1874NelatonA The author discusses the anatomy, damage in hip dislocations, and briefly the role of the LCF.
- 1877BrookeC Report and discussion on Henry Morris's paper Dislocations of the Thigh: their mode of occurrence as indicated by experiments, and the Anatomy of the Hip-joint, with mentioning the role played by LCF.
- 1877MorrisH An excerpt from an article noting that the LCF is stretched during flexion, adduction, external rotation, and is always torn during hip dislocations.
- 1898AshhurstJ The author discusses the function of the LCF as a supporting element of the body, its role in the development of deformity of the hip joint, reducing pressure and stress in the femoral head.
- 1974SchwartzDL_HallerJAJr Open anterior hip dislocation with femoral vessel transection in a child [damage to the LCF].
- 1986SambandanS Traumatic open posterior dislocation of the hip: case report [atrophy of the LCF in a child !?].
- 1998AlkalayD_MellerI Transarticular tumor invasion via ligamentum teres: A clinical-pathologic study of 12 patients.
- 2010SandersS_EgolKA This review discusses the pathological anatomy of hip dislocation and describes the variants of traumatic changes in the LCF.
- 2015DehaoBW_YoungJLS Understanding the ligamentum teres of the hip: a histological study.
- 2019(a)ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV For the first time, damage to the ligament of the head of femur in humans and the mechanism of injury are described in the Bible. Read more in the article: Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions.
- 2022PerumalV_BaconCJ Ligamentum teres lesions are associated with poorer patient outcomes in a large primary hip arthroscopy cohort of 1,935 patients.
- 2024SarıkayaB_AltayMA Histological Structure and Immunohistochemical Properties of the Ligamentum Teres in Patients With Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.
- Perthes disease. Pathogenesis An original view on the pathogenesis of Perthes' disease (femoral head osteochondropathy, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease).
- Congenital Hip Dislocation. Pathogenesis An original view on the pathogenesis of congenital hip dysplasia, congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip.
- Aseptic Necrosis. Pathogenesis An original view on the pathogenesis of aseptic (avascular) necrosis of the femoral head.
- Hip Osteoarthritis. Pathogenesis An original view on the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.
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