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Fragment from the book Bauhin C. Theatrum anatomicum (1605). The author writes about the attachment, function, possible elongation and damage of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). Lameness after dislocation is mentioned and its cause is explained. In the margins of the page are references to the works of other authors Vesalius, Laurens, Archang (Archangelo Piccolomini ???).

Quote p. 1244.

Liber IV. DE LIGAMENTIS OSSIS ILII & sacri et que in toto pede habentur. CAP. XXXIX.

Femur, coxendicis articulo duplici ligamento nectitur; altero communi membrane, articulum orbiculatim ambit, quod Græci [ischos], totius articuli nomine vocarunt; quod cætera, articulos ambientia crassitie, duritie, & robore su perat, cum articulus hic corpus totum sustinere & motus validos perferre debuerit. Hoc articulo & femoris ceruici accumbit & solum radici magni processus orbiculatim adnascitur, quo motus capitis ipsius femoris non impediantur. Alterum ipsius ligamentum teres est [L] & ob duritiem neruus cartilagineus censeri potest; hoc in acetabulo coxendicis situ, ex eius profundo seu humiliori sede, vbi adeps sinui oblinitur; quò femoris caput facilius moueatur & acetabuli supercilium cessat ortum ducit & superius in femoris caput medium inferitur, idq; ne femoris caput è sinu sua facilè excidat, siriniorque sit articulatio, siquidem femur graue & veluti à coxendice pendulu sit; quare dum hoc laxatur & prolixius sit sæpè numero luxationem causat & aliquando disrumpitur & quamuis os restituatur, luxatus tamen semper claudicat, cum non vt prius rectè cohæreant.



Book IV. Of the Ligaments of the Iliacus and Sacrorum, and of Those in the Whole Leg. Chapter XXXIX.

The thigh is connected at the pelvic joint by two ligaments: one common membrane-like ligament surrounds the joint in a ring, which the Greeks call [ischios], and this name is used for the whole joint; it surpasses the other surrounding joints in thickness, hardness, and strength, since this joint must support the whole body and bear strong movements. This ligament is attached to the neck of the femur and also to the base of the greater protuberance, so that the movements of the head of the femur itself are not restricted. The other ligament is round [L], and on account of its hardness may be considered a cartilaginous nerve; It is situated in the acetabulum of the pelvis, in its deep or lower part, where fat covers the socket, so that the head of the femur moves more easily, and takes its origin at the edge of the acetabulum, and is then inserted into the middle of the head of the femur, so that the head of the femur does not easily fall out of the acetabulum, and the joint is more stable, since the femur is heavy and is, as it were, suspended from the pelvic bone; therefore, when this ligament is weakened and lengthened, it often causes dislocations, and sometimes it is torn, and although the bone returns to its place, the dislocated leg always limps, since it no longer connects correctly as before.

External links

Bauhin C. Theatrum anatomicum, novis figuris aeneis illustratum et in lucem emissum, opera & sumptibus Theodori de Bry p. m. relictae viduae et filiorum Ioannis Theodori et Ioannis Israelis de Bry. Francofurti at Moenum: Typis Matthaei Beckeri, Anno 1605.  [ , ,]

Authors & Affiliations

Gaspard Bauhin (Caspar Bauhin, Casparus Bauhinus; 1560-1624) was a Swiss botanist, physician, anatomist, professor at the University of Basel. []


ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, function, damage, dislocation


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