Fragments from the book Riolan J. Opera anatomica (1649). The author discusses the areas of attachment of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF), physical properties and mentions several rare synonyms (neruus, priuatum, neurocartilagineum). In particular, the author chooses the unusual term «neurocartilagineum, which is mentioned by 1880HyrtlJ and 1803SchregerCHT. It should be noted that the translation «neurocartilaginous» would be incorrect, since Jean Riolan implies «sinew» rather than «nerve». In quoting Hippocrates, the author is clearly mistaken, since the LCF is described in the treatise on «Mochlicus» (Instruments of Reductions). In some cases, we have added links to quotations about LCF available on our resource, as well as to publications posted on the Internet.
Quote p. 514.
In librum Galeni De ossibus ad tyrones commentaries.
Commentarius in caput XX. De crure.
Caput XXVII.
In vnoquoque quaedam obseruanda veniunt. Ac primum in superiore notari debet Caput rotundum coxendici articulatum, quod Hippocrati, lib. de Ossibuum natura, epiphiysis est, ex qua nascitur Neruus, qui Femur acetabulo colligat & adstringit. Huic substrata pars gracilior Ceruix dicitur, quae acetabulo foris extrorsum abscedit, vt musculis inferna parte collocandis, itemque magnis venis, arteriis, neruis & glandulis vasorum diuifionibus praepositis locum relioqueret, in quit Gelenus, lib. 3. de vsu partium.
Quote p. 638.
Animadversiones in opus anatomicum Andreae Laurentij.
Ligamenta Femoris et Tibia.
Cap. II. lib.3. Non rect describit ligamentum, quod appellat priuatum, a
cotyles fundo in medium femoris caput productum. Non enim enascitur a fundo
cotyles, sed ab illo hiatu aspero ad latus internum cotyles exsculpto, istudque
ligamentum medium est inter neruum & cartilaginem, vt neurocartilagineum dici
debeat, atque etiam cruentum est, quale spectur illud ligamentum interiectum
tibiae & femori, quod est vnicum, latum, non triplex, vt voluit Laurentius.
Quote p. 514.
On Galen's book «On Bones for Beginners». Comments.
Chapter XXVII.
Each of them has something to observe. First, in the upper part we
should note the round head articulated with the hip joint, which Hippocrates in
On the Nature of Bones calls the epiphysis, from which emerges the nerve/sinew
[Neruus], which connects and strengthens the femur in the acetabulum. Below
this is a narrower part called the neck, which extends outward from the acetabulum
to leave room for the muscles located in the lower part, as well as for the
large veins, arteries, nerves and glands, as well as the branching of the
vessels, as Galen says in the book 3 «De vsu partium».
Quote p. 638.
Notes to the anatomical work of Andrea Laurentius.
Ligaments of the thigh and lower leg.
Chapter II, Book 3. He incorrectly describes the ligament, which he calls private [priuatum], emerging from the floor of the acetabulum and attaching to the middle of the femoral head. It does not arise from the floor of the acetabulum, but from this rough hole cut on the inside of the acetabulum, and this ligament is intermediate between the nerve/sinew [neruum], and cartilage [cartilaginem], so it should be called neurocartilaginous/sinewcartilaginous [neurocartilagineum], it also contains blood vessels, like that ligament that connects the tibia and thigh, which is single, broad, and not triple, as Laurentius asserted.
External links
Riolan J. Opera anatomica vetera, recognita, & auctiora, quamplura
noua, quorum seriem dabit sequens pagina. Lutetiae Parisiorum: sumptibus
Gaspari Meturas viâ Iacobaea, sub signo SS. Trinitatis, prope Maturinenses,
MDCXLIX [1649]. []
Authors & Affiliations
Jean Riolan the Younger (1580-1657) was French physician, botanist and
anatomist, professor of Collège Royal. []
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Jean Riolan (1626) Line engraving by M. Lasne after D. Dumontier, original in the (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament
of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, synonym, properties
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