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LCF in 2024 (November)

Publications about the LCF 2024 (November).


Mohammed, C., Kong, R., Kuruba, V., Rai, V., & Munazzam, S. W. (2024). Outcomes and complications of hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: A narrative review. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 102797. [i]


Shah, M. Q. A., Kiani, R. B., Ahmad, A., Malik, H. A., Rehman, J. U., & Anwar, Z. (2024). Children with Developmental Dysplasia of Hip-Our Experience of Outcome at a Tertiary Care Centre. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 74(5), 1236.  [ii]


Graf, R. Sonography of the Infant’s Hip: Principles, implementation and therapeutic consequences. Springer Nature. 2024.  [iii]


Sáenz, J. F. C., Carrera, E. T., Gutiérrez, R. A., & De La Ossa, L. (2024). Capsular Traction-Assisted Hip Arthroscopy: An Alternative to T-Capsulotomy for Osteochondroplasty. Arthroscopy Techniques, 103296.  [iv]


Sondur, S., Kaushik, S., & Das, S. P. (2024). Journal of Orthopaedic Reports. Journal of Orthopaedic Reports, 3, 100230. [v]


Hung, N. N. (2024). Long-term Outcome and Complications Following Open Reduction, Hung Zigzag Iliac Osteotomy Combined Fibular Allograft for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children. EC Paediatrics, 13, 01-19. [vi]


Asnis, S. E., Heimroth, J. C., & Goldstein, T. (2024). A Mathematical Evaluation of the Effects of the Head and Neck Diameter on the Arc of Motion and the Implications in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Arthroplasty Today, 30, 101556. [vii]


Lee, J. H., Girardi, N. G., Kraeutler, M. J., Keeter, C., Genuario, J. W., Garabekyan, T., & Mei-Dan, O. (2024). Staged Hip Arthroscopy and Periacetabular Osteotomy in Active Patients 45 Years and Older Produces Comparable Improvements in Outcome Scores to Younger Patients. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. [viii]


Toosey, W. J., Williamson, T. E., Shelley, S. L., & Brusatte, S. L. (2024). The osteology of Triisodon crassicuspis (Cope, 1882): New insights into the enigmatic “archaic” placental mammal group “Triisodontidae”. PloS one, 19(11), e0311187.   [ix]


Cheong, T., Tao, X., Nawabi, D. H., Abd Razak, H. R. B., & Lee, M. (2024). Clinical Outcomes of Arthroscopic Surgical Intervention in Femoroacetabular Impingement Amongst the Asian Population: A Meta-analysis. Journal of ISAKOS.  [x]


Bal, Z., & Takakura, N. (2024, November). DEVELOPING A SMALL ANIMAL TRAUMA MODEL FOR FEMORAL HEAD OSTEONECROSIS. In Orthopaedic Proceedings (Vol. 106, No. SUPP_18, pp. 31-31). Bone & Joint. [xi]


Singh, A. (Ed.). (2024). Emergency Radiology: Imaging of Acute Pathologies. [xii]


Posiyano, K., Prasad, R. V. S., Dzogbewu, T. C., Olakanmi, E. O., Leso, T. P., Setswalo, K., & Sello, A. T. (2024). THE POTENTIAL OF Ti-6Al-7Nb, AND DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURING CONSIDERATIONS IN MITIGATING FAILURE OF HIP IMPLANTS IN SERVICE. Biomedical Engineering Advances, 100136. [xiii]   ,


Cao, J., Li, Y., Luo, J., Zheng, Z., Wang, X., Su, Y., & Han, J. (2024). MRI-Based Parameters to Assess the Quality and Prognosis of the Closed Reduction in the Developmental Dislocation of the Hip in Toddlers. November 18th, 2024.  [xiv]


Dangas, K., MacAulay, A., & Mifsud, M. Vascularized Fibular Graft With Femoral Head Epiphysis In Situ for Hip Reconstruction After Proximal Femoral Chondrosarcoma Resection in a Child. Techniques in Orthopaedics, 10-1097.   [xv]


Hemanth, K. S., Tigulla, D., Lakshmi, V., & Buhari, S. (2025). Early stage detection of osteoarthritis of the joints (hip and knee) using machine learning. In Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Conditions using Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning to Aid Interpretation of Clinical Imaging (pp. 39-64). Academic Press. [xvi]


Qin, S., Shi, L., Guo, B., Jiao, S., Zang, J., Qin, S., ... & Shi, L. (2024). Congenital Deformity of Lower Limbs. In Atlas of Limb Deformity: Etiological Classification (pp. 21-61). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.  [xvii]


Foss, C. (2024). Ligamentous Injuries of the Hip. In Dissecting Sports Injuries of the Hip (pp. 165-183). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.  [xviii]


Perraut, G., Evans, B. G., & Park, K. W. (2024). Hip Osteoarthritis and Arthroplasty. Essentials of Orthopedic Surgery, 323. [xix]


Bhimsaria, G., Nagaeswari, T., Srimathi, T., & Ramachandran, K. (2024). An anatomico-morphometric analysis of proximal femur. Bioinformation, 20(9), 990-992.  [xx]


Fujii, H. (2024). Functional Anatomy of the Hip Joint Specific to THA. In Advances in Total Hip Arthroplasty (pp. 57-63). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.  [xxi] 



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[i]  Areas of ongoing debate include the role of labral debridement versus repair, the optimal management of mixed-type FAIS, and the potential benefits of adjunctive procedures such as ligamentum teres debridement.


[ii] Persistent dislocation leads to chronic changes in the acetabulum, ligamentum teres and capsule that further reduces the chances of stable reduction.3

3. Litrenta J, Masrouha K, Wasterlain A, Castaneda P. Ultrasound Evaluation of Pediatric Orthopaedic Patients. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2020; 28(16): e696-e705.


[iii] Between this tissue and the femoral head, the ligamentum teres stretches from the region of the acetabular notch (incisura acetabuli). It attaches with a relatively broad insertion at the fovea centralis of the femoris head (see Fig. 3.26).


[iv] In our practice, we do not routinely perform capsular repair. By using capsular traction and not affecting the zona orbicularis, we minimize capsular damage during our procedures, so we do not believe it is necessary to perform capsular closure in all cases. We consider capsular closure in patients with risk factors for developing secondary instability, patients with signs of hypermobility or with those with borderline dysplasia6,7 (center-edge angle of 22°-24°) with lateral center edge angles less than 30°, patients with a diffuse acetabular lesion pattern not caused by cam or pincer (Seldes8 type I and II), ligament teres rupture, and those in whom ease in performing traction of the extremity with the opening of the articular space with little effort is possible.9



Fig. 2. Computed tomography images confirming the posterior dislocation of the femoral head and acetabular wall fracture.

Fig. 3. A: Intra-operative photograph of patient in lateral decubitus position. The femoral head is delivered out via the posterior approach and the ligamentum teres is found to be completely detached from its femoral attachment. B: Post-operative radiograph depicting fixation of left femoral neck with three cancellous screws and the acetabular wall with a reconstruction plate and screws and concentric reduction of the femoral head.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


[vi] In older children, hip reduction becomes difficult due to adaptive shortening of the extra-articular soft tissues, acetabular dysplasia, capsular contracture, increased femoral anteversion, ~ acetabular fat pad, round ligament hypertrophy, and ~ inversion of the articular margin. 

Care was taken to extend the condylar incision as medially as possible. The teres ligament and the transverse acetabular ligament were excised. 

Table 2: Details of the initial treatment and subsequent surgeries for 157 cases of congenital dislocation requiring open reduction using SOFA without femoral osteotomy.

In the Table 2: Adductor tenotomy: 150 (95.8%); Poas tendon: 150 (95.8%); Ligamentum teres [present]:147 (93.8%); Transverse acetabular ligament: 153 (97.9%); Pulvinar: 143 (91.7%); Capsulorraphy: 57 (100.0%); Kirschner: 157 (100.0%). 

Table 3: Second operation with femoral shortening after initally operation 3 months (62 Híp)

In the Table 3: Adductor tenotomy: 54 (87.1%), Psoas tendon: 51 (82.3%), Ligamentum teres present: 56 (90.3%), Puvinar present: 57 (91.9%), Transverse ligament present: 54 (87.1%), Capsulorrhaphy: 62 (100.0%), Kirschner wire: 62 (100.0%), Femoral shortening: 62 (100.0%).


[vii] The limitation in the native human hip range of motion is due to the ligamentum teres which acts as an end-range stabilizer of the hip [4].

4. Martin, H. D., Hatem, M. A., Kivlan, B. R., & Martin, R. L. (2014). Function of the ligamentum teres in limiting hip rotation: a cadaveric study. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery30(9), 1085-1091.


[viii] of labral hypertrophy, articular cartilage thickening, or ligamentum teres tear all aided in establishing a diagnosis of symptomatic hip instability.


[ix] The “triisodontids” are generally rare elements of the Puercan (ca. 66−63.5 Ma) and Torrejonian (ca. 63.5−62 Ma) faunas of the San Juan Basin, but some have also been reported from other Paleocene localities throughout western North America [12,13].


The femoral head is large and would have originally been hemispherical in shape, as in Periptychus carinidens (NMMNH P-19430) and Arctocyon primaevus (MNHN.F.CR17, CR16), but has undergone postburial deformation, becoming more mediolaterally compressed (Fig 26B and 26D). The hemispherical shape contrasts to the relatively ovoid shape of Ar. mumak (YPM-PU 18703), the latter which has a flattened distal edge [64]. The articular surface is smooth and restricted to the head, not extending onto the femoral neck medially. In Triisodon crassicuspis, the articular surface on the posteromedial side of the femoral head is excavated by well-defined and relatively deep fovea capitis (Fig 26B), which provided an insertion for the ligamentum teres [91]. The fovea capitis is ovoid-shaped and distally expanded, although it does not interrupt the posteromedial border of the femoral head, as in Ar. mumak and Ar. primaevus, but unlike Pe. carinidens. The anteroposteriorly narrow fovea capitis could have also resulted from postburial deformation.


[x] Ligamentum teres was debrided if there was hypertrophy or synovitis.


[xi] Left femoral head was dislocated from the hip joint, ligamentum teres was cut, and a slight circular incision was done around the femoral neck of 8-week-old male C57BL/6J mice to disrupt the blood supply to femoral head.


[xii] The blood supply to the femoral head is through three routes, including the vessels in the ligamentum teres, capsular vessels, and branches of the nutrient vessels.



Fig. 1. Anatomical features of the hip joint. (A) Transverse view of the acetabular component with the ligament. (B) Lateral view of the head of the femur that has been rotated laterally out of the acetabulum to show the ligament and the cut synovial membrane [47].

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (


[xiv] In the successful CR group, the soft tissues observed on MRI included an inverted labrum (four hips), thickening of the ligamentum teres (six hips), brofatty pulvinar tissue (two hips), and joint effusion (four hips).


[xv]  The hip was dislocated with great care, ensuring that the ligamentum teres vessel and the posterior capsule remained intact to preserve blood supply to the femoral epiphysis. Under image guidance, 1.6 mm K-wires were inserted along the femoral head physis to mark the resection margin. The femoral head was divided axially along the physis. The epiphysis remained attached to ligamentum teres throughout, with an arterial line and 18-G needle inserted into the femoral head epiphysis to assess for an arterial waveform. Good bleeding from the distal aspect of the epiphysis was also noticed and was encouraging. The dissection around the tumor was now completed proximally


[xvi] … MRI can detect changes in soft tissues around the hip joint, including structures such as the labrum and ligamentum teres, which are thought to have a role in OA [osteoarthritis].


[xvii] Arthrography may show dysplasia of the articular capsule, labrum, and round ligament (Fig. 2.2).


[xviii] The Ligamentum Teres (LT) is an intraarticular ligament. It originates at the transverse acetabular ligament of the acetabulum and connects to the head of the femur at the fovea capitis. The function of this ligament is to assist in the stability...


[xix] The artery of the ligamentum teres, a branch of the obturator artery, travels within the ligamentum teres and supplies only 10-20% of the blood supply to the femoral head. …


[xx] The fovea capitis is also an important anatomical structure in the proximal femur that transmits vessels supplying the femoral head. This ligament plays a role in cases where the head of femur undergoes avascular necrosis, which is a complication of hip fractures and dislocations. The mean transverse diameter of the fovea in our study was 10.97±2.20 mm. This value is comparable to those found by Gupta et al., i.e. 11.38±2.35 mm. However, the longitudinal diameter of the fovea in our study, 9.46±2.24, is much lesser than the value obtained by the same study 15.94±3.37 mm, suggesting a regional variation between northern and southern Indian populations. The computed tomography study done by Ceynowa et al. [5] in Poland found the transverse diameter to be 12.94±2.61 mm and the longitudinal diameter to be 10.83±2.32 mm, with the values being greater in men than in women.

Gupta M et al. Cureus. 2022 14:e28780. [PMID: 36225441]

Ceynowa M et al. Surg Radiol Anat. 2019 41:101 [PMID: 30171297]


[xxi] Ligamentum Teres of the Femur (Fig. 14.3) The ligamentum teres connects the acetabulum and femoral head. The ligament is tense when the hip joint is flexed and abducted [???] and relaxes when the hip joint is abducted and flexed.



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