(Terms used in non-scientific works...
- Basic Non-scientific Synonyms Basic non-scientific synonyms of the term «ligament of head of femur» (ligamentum capitis femoris)
- 344-411Rufinus Aquileiensis In Josephus's translation of Antiquities of the Jews, ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is referred to as «neruum».
- 1653WaltonB The mentions about LCF in the Bible (Hebrew, Aramaic, Samaritan Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin).
- 1888LuringHLE The dissertation author showed that the LCF, mentioned in the Book of Bereshit (Genesis), could be designated by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph mt/met.
- 1923PreussJ The author translates the biblical term "גיד" into scientific language as LCF and notes the possibility of its damage in an animal.
- 2004PreussJ The author translates the biblical term "גיד" into scientific language as LCF and notes the possibility of its damage in an animal.
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