Fragments from the book Sutton HA, Drinker CK. Osteology and syndesmology (1910). The selected fragments discuss the anatomy and topography of the ligament of the femoral head (LCF). According to the authors, this structure has low strength, but Galen of Pergamon (2-3rd cent.) described it as «the strongest» (1829KühnCG).
Quote 1. p. 76.
The Cotyloid Lig't., or Cartilage, surmounts the edge of the Acetabulum except where it is broken by the Notch. This ligament simply deepens the cavity. The centre of the Acetabulum, by a rough area, the Cotyloid Fossa, attaches the Ligamentum Teres.
Quote 2. p. 79.
Head. Slightly more than a half sphere in shape. An articular surface for the Acetabulum occupies it, except at a fossa which attaches the Ligamentum Teres.
Quote 3. p. 86.
Two connect the bones. They are:
1. Ligamentum Teres: — Weak. Passes between the centre of the Acetabulum and the oval fossa upon the Head of the Femur. It lies outside the synovial membrane.
External links
Sutton HA, Drinker CK. Osteology and syndesmology. Philadelphia: P. Blakison’s son & Co, 1910. []
Authors & Affiliations
John Bland Sutton or John Bland-Sutton (1855-1936), was a British surgeon []. In 1881 became a prosector at the Regent’s Park Zoological Gardens. In 1896, Bland-Sutton was appointed Surgeon to the Chelsea Hospital for Women. In 1905, he became Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital (Burke PF. Sir John Bland-Sutton: ‘A Great Surgeon’, Surgical News, 2021;22(4)48-49.
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Sir John Bland-Sutton Bain News Service (publisher), unknown date; original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes). |
Sir John Bland-Sutton Bain
News Service (publisher), unknown date; original
in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes).
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum
teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, synonym, properties
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