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Fragments from the book Kühn CG. Clavdii Galeni Opera omnia (1821). Galen writes about the significant strength, high resiliency and hardness of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF), and also notes its connective function. See our commentary at the link: 1821KühnCG [Rus], and 2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV

Quote 1.


Περὶ Ἀνατομικῶν Ἐγχειρήσεων. Βιβλιον B. Kεφιʹ.

Αλλά χρή σε, καθάπερ επί της χειρός επεσκέψω τους συνδέσμους των οστών, ούτω και νυν επισκέψασθαι πασών των γεγυμνωμένων διαρθρώσεων, πρώτης μεν της κατ' ισχίον, εχούσης ένα μεν εν κύκλω σύνδεσμον, απάντων των άρθρων κοινόν, (ουδέν γάρ έστιν, ότω μή περιβέβληται τοιούτος σύνδεσμος,) έτερον δε τον διά του βάθους εν τη διαρθρώσει κατακεκρυμμένον, ος συνάπτει την κεφαλήν του μηρού τη κατ' ισχίον κοιλότητι, πάνυ σκληρός ών, ώς ήδη δύνασθαι λέγεσθαι νεύρον χονδρώδες. (original source: 1821KühnCG, pp. 328-329)


De Anatomicis Administrationibus. Liber II. Cap. X.

Verum considerare te convenit, ut in maun ligamenta ossium, ita nuno quoque omnium articulorum, quos detexeris; primi quidem ischii, qui unum in orbem ambiens ligamentum habet omnium articulorum, commune; nullus enim est, cui tale ligamentum non sit obductum. Aliud autem inspice, quod in imo articuli reconditum femoris caput ischii sinui connectit, duram adeo, ut jam nervus cartilagineus dici queat. (original source: 1821KühnCG, pp. 328-329)

Quote 2.


Περὶ Ὀστῶν τοῖς Εἰσαγομένοις. Kεφκʹ.

κοτύλη δέ εστιν εν εκατέρω των ισχίων ευμεγέθης, ισχυροτάτω συνδέσμω συμπεφυκυία τή του μηρού κεφαλή. (original source: 1821KühnCG, p. 772)


De Ossibus ad Tirones.  Cap. XX.

Acetabulum autem utrique inest coxendici praegrande, quod robustissimo ligamento cum femoris capite conjunctum est. (original source: 1821KühnCG, p. 772)



Quote 1.

On anatomical procedures; Book II. Chapter 10.

As with the arm you examined the ligaments of the bones, so now examine those of all the exposed joints and first of the hip. This has one ligament (σύνδεσμον) embracing it [capsular ligament], as with all joints. A second, hidden in the depths of the joint [ligamentum teres], ties the head of the femur to the hollow in the hip-bone [acetabulum]. It is so tough (σκληρός) that it could be called a 'cartilaginous sinew' (νεῦρον χονδρῶδες). (Transl. by Ch. Singeroriginal source: 1956SingerCJ, p. 55).

Quote 2.

On bones, for beginners. Chapter XX.

There is a socket of large size in each of the ischia, attached by a very stout ligament (σύνδεσμος) to the head of the femur. (original source: 2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).

External links

Kühn CG. Clavdii Galeni Opera omnia. Editionem cvravit D. Carolvs Gottlob Kühn, professor physiologiae et pathologiae in literarvm vniversitate Lipsiensi pvblicvs ordinarivs etc. Vol. II. Lipsiae: Prostat in officina libraria Car. Cnoblochii, 1821. []

Singer CJ (Ed., trans.). On anatomical procedures: De anatomicis administrationibus. London, New York, Toronto: Published for the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum by Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1956. []

Arkhipov SV, Prolygina IV. Ancient Textual Sources on Ligamentum Teres: Context and Transmission. MLTJ. 2020;10(3):536-546. [ , ,]

Authors & Affiliations

Karl Gottlob Kühn (1754-1840) was a German physician and medical historian. []

Karl Gottlob Kühn 
Unknown author;
 original in the collection
 no changes).

Galen (Κλαύδιος Γαληνός, Aelius Galenus, Claudius Galenus, Γαληνός ὁ Περγαμηός, Galenus Pergamenus, Galen of Pergamon; 129–210/217) was a Roman and Greek physician, surgeon, anatomist, and philosopher. []

Engraver Georg Paul Busch (18th cent.);
original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes).


ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, synonym, role, properties, Galen 


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