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Fragments of the article Welcker H. Nachweis eines ligamentum interarticulare („teres“) humeri, sowie eines lig. teres sessile femoris (1877). The author discusses the differences in the anatomy of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in animals: tapir, orangutan, chimpanzee. The text is prepared for machine translation using a service built into the blog from Google. Quote p. 99. I. Ein die Schulterkapsel frei durchziehendes, an das lig. teres der Hüfte erinnerndes Band fand ich, die Gelenke einer gTösseren Zahl von Säugethieren musternd, zunächst bei Coelogenys Paca (1). Sofort zu dessen nächstem Verwandten, dem vielfach untersuchten Meerschweinchen, greifend, fand ich das Band in wesentlich gleicher Weise. Ganz dasselbe zeigt Aguti (2) (Dasyprocta Aguti) und das Wasserschwein (3) (Hydrochoerus Capybara), so dass dies Verhalten bei der Familie der Subungulaten ein durchgreifendes zu sein scheint, während ich bei den übrigen Nagern und anderen Säugethieren bis jetzt nichts Aehnliches


  ZOOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY   (Information on the presence in existing and extinct animals... ) LCF of Pithecanthropus   In the hip joint of Pithecanthropus (Pithecanthropus erectus, Homo erectus 2.12-0.43 Ma), there was a LCF. LCF of Australopithecus   The Australopithecus afarensis (3.2 Ma) had a ligament of the  head of femur.  1835OwenR  The author discusses the absence of the LCF in chimpanzees, orangutans and some other mammals. 1851BarkowHCL   The author briefly describes LCF in the tiger and llama.  1869MivartG  The author discusses his observations of LCF absence in chimpanzees and orangutans.  1877aWelckerH  The author discusses the differences in the anatomy of the LCF in animals: tapir, orangutan, chimpanzee. 1880HuxleyTH  The author writes about the presence and absence of  LCF  in some animal species. 1883Sutton JB   According to the author, the LCF is a tendon of the pectineus muscle,  separated from it in consequence of skeletal modifications.  1884SuttonJB   The author


  VETERINARY MEDICINE   (Pathology in  animals and methods of treatment... ) 2023AL-SamarraiMQ_AL-TimmemiHA   Surgical stabilization of the hip dislocation in dogs of LCF prosthesis.  2021MeesonRL_StricklandR   Surgical stabilization of the femoral head in cats with an artificial LCF.  BLOG CONTENT


  THEORY AND HYPOTHESES   (A set of theoretical provisions and assumptions about the function... ) Australopithecus Gait   LCF in Australopithecus determined a gait characterized by short step lengths and minimal arm swings.  Perthes disease . Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of  Perthes'  disease (femoral head osteochondropathy, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease). Congenital Hip Dislocation. Pathogenesis    An original view on the pathogenesis of congenital hip dysplasia, congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip. Aseptic Necrosis. Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of aseptic (avascular) necrosis of the femoral head.  Hip Osteoarthritis. Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.  BLOG CONTENT


  SURGERY   ( Osteotomy, arthroplasty, arthroscopy, ligamentoplasty... ) Inventions Method s  by Arkhipov S.V.   (subsection) Articles UNDERWATER  ROCK OF THE RECONSTRUCTIONS  What is the load on the  ligamentum capitis femoris ? The First Open Reconstruction   The first open reconstruction of the LCF was performed in 1926 by Ernest William Hey Groves. 2021ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV   Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis–Necessary or Superfluous? A Systematic Review Catalog. Arthroscopic reconstruction   Arthroscopic LCF reconstruction and discussion of technique. BLOG CONTENT


  ROLE AND SIGNIFICANCE   (Articles on the role, significance, function,  effects ... ) 1730CheseldenW   The author draws attention to the role of LCF in counteracting hip dislocation and maintaining the femoral head in the joint.  1733CheseldenW  The author describes the anatomy, function and topography  of the LCF.  1754BertinEJ  The author discusses the anatomy and role of the LCF, and also mentions the debate about the correct name.  1763WaltherJG  The author indicates the location of the proximal attachment of the LCF and its role. 1830HildebrandtGF_WeberEH  The handbook re cords one of the early notions about the  function of the LCF as a suspenso ry structure.  1833GerdyPN  The author describes for the first time the effect of unloading the upper  articular surfaces when tensioning the LCF.  1 859PirogoffN  The author describes a frozen cadaver study of LCF movement during hip movements. 1863StruthersJ  Th e work is devoted to an experimental study of the function of LCF.  1863


  REVIEWS AND CLASSIFICATIONS   (Various groupings of concepts and overview publications... ) 1893MoserE  We present to your attention a review article summarizing the information about LCF available at the end of the 19th century. Set of Classification   The use of the provided classifiers will enable  a more comprehensive description of LCF pathology and facilitate the identification of rational methods for treatment and restoration of its function. Classification of Functions of LCF   The proposed classification of LCF functions is based on an analysis of literary sources, experimental and clinical studies of the author. 2016ArkhipovaAS  Classification of joints with flexible elements. NB!  For a complete list of publications, see the section link. BLOG CONTENT


  PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION   ( Methods for preventing the development of pathology and rehabilitative treatment...) The First Publication on Prevention  The first publication on the prevention of LCF injury is the abstract of the report: «Arkhipov-Baltiysky S.V. On the enhancement of safety in high-altitude jumps».  BLOG CONTENT


  PRE-SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE   (Early non-scientific information and religious publications... ) 2016 CohenY  The first mention of LCF on an Akkadian cuneiform tablet 4000-3600 years old. 2018 CohenY  Discussion of the first mention of LCF in an Akkadian text from the period 2000-1600 BCE.    BLOG CONTENT


  NON-SCIENTIFIC SYNONYMS   (Terms used in non-scientific works... ) Basic Non-scientific Synonyms   Basic non-scientific synonyms of the term «ligament of head of femur» ( ligamentum capitis femoris )  344-411Rufinus Aquileiensis  In Josephus's translation of Antiquities of the Jews, ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is referred to as «neruum». 1653WaltonB  The mentions about LCF in the Bible (Hebrew, Aramaic, Samaritan Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin).  1888LuringHLE  The dissertation author showed that the LCF, mentioned in the Book of Bereshit (Genesis), could be designated by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph mt/met.  1923PreussJ   The author translates the biblical term "גיד" into scientific language as LCF and notes the possibility of its damage in an animal.   2004PreussJ   The author translates the biblical term "גיד" into scientific language as LCF and notes the possibility of its damage in an animal. BLOG CONTENT


MORE ABOUT THE BLOG     ( Goals and objectives, about the author, collaboration proposals, disclaimer, privacy policy, copyright...)  ABOUT THE  PROJECT  The most important information about the blog. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES  About the goals and objectives of this project. BLOG MOTTO  The motto and a brief overview of the project's significance. ABOUT THE AUTHOR  More information about the author/administrator of the resource. INVITATION TO COOPERATION  Our proposals for collaboration. JOIN THE PROJECT  An appeal for cooperation and participation. YOUR PUBLICATION IN THE BLOG  Opportunity to publish your article. ABOUT CITATIONS  The citation options we use. DISCLAIMER   Purpose of the information provided. PRIVACY POLICY  About the reader's personal information. COPYRIGHT  Rights to the content of the resource. BLOG RULES  Basic rules of behavior in the blog.  Blog Content


  MECHANISMS OF DAMAGE   (Processes and circumstances leading to injuries... ) 1801BellJ   The author discusses hip injuries and the mechanism of LCF injury. 2009LampertC   The article mentions the possibility of damage to the LCF due to sudden twisting of the hip joint. 2019(a)ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV  For the first time, damage to the ligament of the head of femur in humans and the mechanism of injury are described in the Bible. Read more in the article: Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions.   BLOG CONTENT


  MECHANICS AND ROBOTICS (Mechanics, robot, pedipulator, manipulator) 2009(a)ArkhipovSV   Stepping machine.  Application for invention № 2009137007.  2014ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS  Hinge  with flexible elements . Application for invention № 2014142675 .  2014 ArkhipovaAS  Mobile biomorphic platforms with analogues of natural locomotion algorithms. Oral presentation at the International Olympics Space for  school students . 2015(a)ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS  Anthropomorphic stepping platform. Applic ation for invention № 2015134113.  2015(b)ArkhipovSV_ArkhipovaAS   Stand for testing cylindrical and ball hinges . Application for invention №  2015102125 .    BLOG CONTENT


  HISTORY OF THE STUDY   (Reconstruction of the chronology of scientific achievements and events... ) The First Scientific Mention   (video )  The first described of the LCF is Hippocrates (ca. 460-370 BCE).  1495Johannes de Ketham  An excerpt from the treatise by Mondino de Luzzi describing the anatomy and role of LCF damage in the genesis of hip diseases. 1541MondinoL_DryanderJ  An early description of the anatomy and role of the LCF is presented.  1550CortiM   An early descri ption ( Mondino ) of the anatomy and role of LCF is presented, and a rare synonym is mentioned. 1725AndryN   The author who proposed the term «orthopedics» and its symbol, taught us about the function of the  LCF   in the essay « Examen de divers points d'anatomie, de chirurgie, de physique, de medecine...».  1957SingerC  The author discusses the connective function of the LCF, as well as its damage in hip dislocation and pathological transformation.  BLOG CONTENT


  EXPERIMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS   (Observed effects of norm and pathology, experiments on models... ) 1672GengaB  The author reports for the first time a case of absence of the LCF in both hip joints.    1725SaltzmannJ_NicolaiHA   The authors report the absence of LCF in an elderly woman. 1751HallerA  The author describes a case of absence of LCF from two sides. 1783BonnA  The  author describes cases of absence of the LCF and the fossa of the femoral head. 1779SandifortE  The author reports the absence of LCF. 1823GerdyPN  The author o bserves the displacement of the fem oral head from the  acetabulum when the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is stretched.  1841StanleyE  The article is mainly devoted to pathological hip dislocations and changes in the LCF. 1858StruthersJ   One o f the early works dedicated to the experimental study of the function  of the LCF. 1863StruthersJ  The work is devoted to an experimental study of the function of LCF.  1865RoseE  The author describes his own ex


  ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS   (Causes of diseases a nd mechanisms of occurrence... ) 1521Berengario da CarpiJ  The author comments on the treatise by Mondino de Luzzi, describes the form, role and symptoms of LCF damage. 1615PaawP  The author describes the attachment areas of the LCF, notes its role in blood supply, innervation, pathogenesis of inflammation and pain.  1681SylviusF  The author only hints at LCF when discussing hip dislocation. 1720RuyschF  The author draws attention to the well-developed blood supply of the acetabular fossa, as well as the LCF. Perthes disease . Pathogenesis   An original view on th e pathogenesis of  Perthes'  disease (femoral head osteochondropathy, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease). Congenital Hip Dislocation. Pathogenesis    An original view on the pathogenesis of congenital hip dysplasia, congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip. Aseptic Necrosis. Pathogenesis  An original view on the pathogenesis of aseptic (avascular) necrosis of the femor


  DIAGNOSTICS AND EXAMINATION   (Diagnostic, examination and testing methods... ) Catalog. LCF Pathology Tests   Tests for the detection of pathology LCF.  2004VialleR_GlorionC  The article discusses the examination technique for dislocation of the femur and describes the radiographic symptom of infringement of the damaged LCF. BLOG CONTENT


  CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT   ( Medication, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy...) The First Conservative Treatment   The first attempt at treating post-traumatic changes in LCF with recurrent hip dislocations was made by Galen of Pergamon 19 centuries ago  and described it  in «Hippocratis de articulis liber et Galeni in eum commentarius quatus».   300-100bcHeracleides Tarentinus  The author discusses the connective function of the LCF, as well as its damage in hip dislocation and pathological transformation.  25bc-50Celsus  The author recommends specific treatment for the traumatic pathology of LCF.  1579PareA  The author discusses the attachment, pathology, and treatment of abnormal LCF in hip dislocation.  1829KühnCG  Galen writes about anatomy, topography, function, changes in painful conditions and injuries of the LCF, as well as the first method of conservative treatment of its pathology. BLOG CONTENT


  BIOMECHANICS AND MORPHOMECHANICS   (On the rela tionship between the mechanics and morphology of the hip joint... )  1586PiccolominiA  One of the first discussions of the biomechanics of the LCF with a description of its shape, mechanical properties and attachment. 1728 WaltherAF   The selected excerpt discusses the anatomy, mechanical properties and function of the LCF. 1836WeberW_WeberE  Fragments from the book that laid the foundation of biomechanics of the hip joint considering th e LCF.  1836-1840PartridgeR  The author compared the LCF, in its function to a leathern  straps   by which the body of a carriage is suspended on springs . 1856MeyerGH  The author of the modern  theory of bio mechanics of the hip joint discusses  the significant role of the LCF during walking and maintaining an upright posture. 1857TurnerW  The fragment of the «Human Anatomy and Physiology» narrates the involvement of the LCF in distributing loads across the femoral head.  1858HumphryGM  In the presente


  ANNOUNCEMENTS  AND  NEWS    ( News about LCF ,  author’s an nouncements,  surveys ,  questions ... )  The author is looking for a laboratory to continue his research. LCF in 2024 (January – March)   Publications about the LCF 2024. LCF in 2024 (April)   Publications about the LCF 2024.  LCF in 2024 (May)   Publications about the LCF 2024.  LCF in 2024 ( June )   Publications about the LCF 2024 .  LCF in 2024 ( July )  Publications about the LCF 2024.  LCF in 2024 ( August)   Publications about the LCF  2024.     LCF in 2024 ( September )   Publications about the LCF 2024. Ad testing. Survey:  Should I reduce the amount of advertising on blog? NEW PUBLICATIONS OF OUR RESOURCE   BLOG CONTENT


  Invention: Zelong S, Jinchuan S, Yongkai W. Femoral head round ligament cutting hook CN Application 211131290U. Femoral head round ligament cutting hook Application CN201922013314.6U events  2019-11-20 Application filed by Individual 2019-11-20 Priority to CN201922013314.6U 2020-07-31 Application granted 2020-07-31 Publication of CN211131290U Status Expired - Fee Related 2029-11-20 Anticipated expiration Abstract The utility model discloses a femoral head ligament cutting hook, including the handle, hollow out construction is installed to one side of handle, and cutting structure is installed to handle one end, and the blunt piece of thickening is installed to cutting structure's both sides. The utility model discloses avoid the structure of damage to have: the acetabulum and important structures such as cartilage, labrum, nerves and blood vessels of the acetabulum have the possibility of bone residue formation in the process of taking out the head less or dislocation, because t