Fragment from the book Bartholin C. Anatomicae institutiones (1611). The author describes the anatomy, topography, geometric and mechanical properties of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). The term «terete» (rounded) is used to indicate its geometry. The term «cartilagine» (cartilaginous) is used to describe the hardness of the LCF, and the analogy of «nervus esset cartilaginosus» (like a cartilaginous sinew) is given. Similar terminological elements are present in the works of Galen of Pergamon and Theophilus Protospatharius (2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).
Quote p. 494
I. Est caput maximum & rotundum, ex appendice factum, quod in coxendicis acetabulum inseritur, & duplici ligamento cum coxendice nectitur: uno communi, lato, membraneo, sed satis crasso, orbiculatum articulum ambiente; altero terete, quasi cartilagine (ac si nervus esset cartilaginosus) inter femoris caput & profunditatem cavitatis, ne femoris caput excidat.
Chapter XXI. Of the Bones of the Whole Leg.
I. This is the large and round head [of the femur], formed from the appendix, which is inserted into the acetabulum and is connected to the pelvis by two ligaments: one common, wide, membranous, but quite thick, surrounding the joint; the other rounded, almost cartilaginous (as if it were a cartilaginous sinew), located between the head of the femur and the depression of the cavity, so that the head of the femur does not fall out [of the socket].
External links
Bartholin C. Anatomicae institutiones; corporis humani utriusque sexus
historiam et declarationem exhibentes cum plurimis novis observationibus &
opinionibus nec non illustriorum quae in anthropologia occurrunt,
controversiarum decisionibus, cum indice capitum et rerum locupetissimo. [Vitebergae]:
A. Rüdinger Apud Bechtoldum Raaben, 1611. []
Authors & Affiliations
Caspar Bartholin the Elder (Caspar Berthelsen Bartholin, Caspar Bartholin; 1585-1629) was a Danish physician, scientist and theologian, professor of medicine in the University of Copenhagen. []
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Caspar Bartholin Unknown author, original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, topography, properties, synonym, role
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