Fragments from the book Soemmerring ST. De Corporis Humani Fabrica. T.2. (1794). The author describes the form, attachment, structure and function of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). The text is prepared for machine translation using a service built into the blog from Google or your web browser. In some cases, we have added links to quotations about LCF available on our resource, as well as to publications posted on the Internet. There is a known version of the treatise in German: 1791SoemmerringST.
Quote p. 52-53
teres capitis femoris.
Haematologia, acc. obs. anatomic. de acetabuli ligamento interno, caput femoris
sirmante, c. tab. Hagae comit. 1743. 8vo. e femina duo et vigiuti annos nata
hos ligamentum delineat.
Ligamentum hoc, caput ossis femoris cum acetabulo
connectens, in fundo acetabuli prisma refert.
Basis interni ossis femoris caput tangentis lateris
ligamento labri cartilaginosi transverso interno illigatur.
Basis superioris acetabulum tangentis lateris e sine
marginis inferioris cornu superioris oritur.
Latus inferius maximam partem e fovea ambo cornua
inter oritur, et quibusdam tantum femoris directionibus factis acetabulum
Membrana lubrica, qua tegitur, hinc illinc falces
format, quae foveam versus longiores fiunt, et unguen articulare recipiunt,
quin et interne unam vel alteram fibram tendinosam exhibent. (Ligamenta massa
adiposae, WEITBRECHT Fig. LVI. I.)
Motum femoris superiora et exteriora versus coërcet.
teres capitis femoris.
Tab. XVIII. Fig. LVI. 1 HOM. SCHWENCKE Haematologia, acc. obs. anatomic. de
acetabuli ligamento interno, caput femoris sirmante, c. tab. Hagae comit. 1743.
8vo. e femina duo et vigiuti annos nata hos ligamentum delineat.
ligament, which connects the head of the femur to the acetabulum, rests on the
floor of the acetabulum and resembles a prism.
surface of the inner side touching the head of the femur is attached to the
transverse internal ligament of the cartilaginous edge.
surface of the superior side touching the acetabulum begins from the superior
horn of the inferior edge of the semilunar surface of the acetabulum.
inferior side mostly arises from the fossa between both horns of the semilunar
surface of the acetabulum and touches the acetabulum only in certain directions
of movement of the femur.
slippery membrane with which it is covered forms folds that become longer
towards the fossa and contain joint lubrication and also have one or two tendon
fibers inside. (Ligament and fat mass, WEITBRECHT Fig. LVI. I.)
limits the movement of the femur in the upper and outer directions.
External links
Soemmerring ST. De Corporis Humani Fabrica. Tomus
Secundus, De Ligamentis Ossium. Traiecti Ad Moenum: Sumtibus Varrentrappii Et
Wenneri, 1794. []
Soemmerring ST. Vom Bau des menschlichen Körpers. Bd. 2. Bänderlehre.
Frankfurt am Main: bey Varrentrapp und Wenner, 1791. []
Authors & Affiliations
Samuel Thomas Soemmerring (Ritter von
Soemmerring, Sömmerring und Soemmering (1755-1830) was a German anatomist,
anthropologist, paleontologist and inventor, professor at the University of
Mainz and Kasseler Collegium
Carolinum. []
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Samuel Thomas Soemmerring (1813) Artist: Wendelin Moosbrugger, original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris,
ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, form, structure,
role, function, synonym
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