Fragment from the book Verheyen P. Corporis humani anatomia (1693). The author indicates the role and describes the shape and consistency of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). In the characterization of LCF we hear the term of Galen of Pergamon: “cartilaginous sinew” (νεῦρον χονδρῶδες) (2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).
p. 260
Primus processus est collum cum annexo capite (hoc vera
appendix apparet) maximo & rotundo crassa cartilagine incrustato A, quod in
ossis ischii acetabulum inseritur, ac duplici ligamento cum eodem connectur,
uno figuras teretis, ac si esset funiculus cartilagineus, inter ipsum caput
& fundum acetabuli; altero lato, membranaceo, sed crasso, orbiculatim
articulum ambiente.
The first process includes the neck with
the attached head (this part indeed looks like an appendix), which is covered
with a thick and round cartilaginous coating (A), inserted into the acetabulum
of the ischium bone, and connected to it by two ligaments: one has a round
shape and resembles a cartilaginous cord, located between the head itself and
the bottom of the acetabulum; the other ligament is wide, membrane-like but
thick, and surrounds the joint around.
Verheyen P. Corporis humani anatomia, in qua omnia tam
veterum, quam recentiorum anatomicarum inventa methodo novâ & intellectu
facillimâ describuntur, ac tabulis aeneis repraesentantur. Lovanii: Apud
Aegidium Denique, 1693. []
Authors & Affiliations
Philip Verheyen (1648-1710)
was a Flemish surgeon, anatomist and author. []
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Philip Verheyen (1691) Author Berterham, original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, fragment) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, role, properties, form
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