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Fragments from the book Böhmer PA. Institutiones osteologicae in usum praelectionum academicarum cum iconibus anatomicus (1751). The author describes the topography, mechanical properties and role of the роль ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). This work has been repeatedly cited in publications by other medical writers: 1803SchregerCHT, 1880HyrtlJ. The translation was done in collaboration with ChatGPT (version 3.5) and the Google Translate service. 

Böhmer PA. Institutiones osteologicae in usum praelectionum academicarum cum iconibus anatomicus. Halae Magdeburgicae: In Officina Libraria Rengeriana, MDCCLI [1751]. [fragments]

Quote pp. 263-264


Acetabularum structura, et vsus,

Sunt autem amplissima cauatam mirifice coxis adposita, vt iisdem coxae cum toto trunco diuersimode super femora moueri et inclinari possint. Quaelibet sinuositas caput femoris profundius excipiens proprie acetabulum, Gr. κοτύλῃ vocatur (§. LXXVI.), ex concursu trium ossium componitur (§. CCCCLXXVII.), et crusta cartilaginea obducitur ac augetur (§. CCCCLXVIII); defectus vero in imperfecta ipsius ora ab opposita cartilagine suppletur, et per incisuram (§. CCCCLXXXI.) vasa, a compressione libera, tutissime admittuntur. Totus denique sinus validissimo, ex supercilio eius inaequali pro deunte ligamento, firmissime cum capite ossis femoris unitur.

§. 480.

The structure of the acetabulum and its appearance,

However, there are very large cavities wonderfully placed near the hips to allow them to move and bend in various ways relative to the entire torso. Each depression in which the head of the femur is deeply embedded is called the acetabulum proper, in Greek κοτύλῃ (§. 76), consists of a connection of three bones (§. 477), is covered with a cartilaginous layer and expanded (§. 468); but there is a defect, which at the edge is filled with the opposite cartilage, and through the incision (§. 481) the vessels, free from compression, are safely passed. In the end, the entire sinus is very strong, thanks to the uneven edge, with the missing ligament, it is firmly connected to the head of the femur.

Quote p. 264


corumque sminor in ima parte cauitas.

Quum vero anterius et lateraliter ex parte dehifcat, supercilium illius imperfectum et inaequale fit, immo sinuositas, quae in medio et versus ilia latescit, ad hiatum rursus angustatur. Cauitas minor, quam in ima parte continet, simili gaudet margine imperfecto et inaequali, ac aspera superficie, eaque non solum ligamentum teres siue planum recipit, verum etiam glandulae mucilaginosae tutissimum concedit locum, efficitque, ne tota sub motu comprimatur.

§. 481.

smaller cavity at the bottom.

Where the rupture occurs anteriorly and laterally, its [acetabulum] edge becomes incomplete and uneven, and the notch, which extends from the middle outward, narrows again to a fissure. The smaller cavity which it [the acetabulum] contains in the lower part, also has the same interrupted and uneven edge and a rough surface, which not only receives the round or flat ligament, but also provides the safest place for the mucous glands, preventing them from being completely compressed when movements.

Quote pp. 324-325


eiusque inaequalis fossa qua ligamentum teres educitur

In medio profundam et inaequalem fossam habet, ex qua ligamentum firmissimum, crassum, et elasticum educitur, quod propriae acetabuli crenae inseritur (§. CCCCLXXXI), et, vi officii, suspensorium dici meretur.

§. 588.

and its irregular fossa, through which the round ligament passes.

In the middle there is a deep and uneven fossa, from which emerges a very firm, thick and elastic ligament, which is attached to its own notch of the acetabulum (§. 481), and by its function deserves to be called suspensory.

Quote pp. 325-326

§. DXC.

Connexio capitis femoris cum acetabulo.

In commissura capitis cum collo femoris, et circulo praecipue circa basin ceruicis aspero, ligamentum vasis refertissimum, robustum, validumque capsulare, quod caput ossis femoris cum acetabulo iungit (§. CCCCLXXX), firmatur. Quo vero liberius in centro acetabuli versari, et absque vasorum, illud ingredientium (§. CCCCLXXXI.) compressione, ex glanduloso-pinguedinosis organis mucus capsam inter et caput femoris exprimi, nec, relaxato forsan articulari vinculo, os prorsus ex articulatione elabi possit; natura suspensorio prospexit ligamento (§. DLXXXVIII).


§. 590.

Connection of the head of the femur with the acetabulum.

At the junction of the head with the neck of the femur and especially around the base of the neck, there is a very dense, strong and powerful capsular ligament that connects the head of the femur with the acetabulum (§. 480) and secures it. It allows the head of the femur to move freely inside the acetabulum and without compressing the vessels entering it (§. 481), under pressure the mucus from the glandular-fatty organs is squeezed out between the acetabulum and the head of the femur, and, even if the articular ligament [capsule] weakened, the bone cannot slide completely out of the joint; is because nature has focused on the suspensory ligament (§. 588).


External links

Böhmer PA. Institutiones osteologicae in usum praelectionum academicarum cum iconibus anatomicus. Halae Magdeburgicae: In Officina Libraria Rengeriana, MDCCLI [1751]. [ ,] 

Authors & Affiliations

Philipp Adolph Böhmer (1711-1789) was a Prussian physician and professor of medicine at the University of Halle. [] 

Philipp Adolph Böhmer (before 1900)
Unknown author; original in the collection
(CC0 – Public Domain, no changes)


ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, synonym, role, mechanical properties


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