In the book «Ten Famous Anatomical Observations», the authors report the absence of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in an elderly woman. Noteworthy is the synonym used to designate LCF - LIGAMENTA valida TERETIA (strong rounded ligaments). This publication was later mentioned by 1751HallerA, 1779SandifortE, 1830HildebrandtGF_WeberEH.
Saltzmann J, Nicolai HA. Decas observationum illustrium anatomicarum….
Argentorati: S. Kürsnerus, MDCCXXV [1725]. |
Quote p. 10 |
Obferv. VII. |
Observation 7 |
Non rationi folummodo fed & experientiæ repugnat iftorum affertum,
qui luxationem offis femoris fractura facilius contingere afferunt. Quodfi
tamen ftatus ifte p. n. occurrit, quem præfentibus duobus Medicinæ Candidatis
digniffimis Dno WOLLFART & FLACH amicis honorandis in Vetula obfervavi in
qua LIGAMENTA valida TERETIA, quibus os femoris ordinario cum acetabulo
jungitur, IN VTROQVE LATERE rariffimo fane exemplo DEFVERVNT, haud obfcure
The statement that dislocation of the femur occurs
more easily with a fracture contradicts not only reason, but also experience.
However, if this condition does arise, as it did in an elderly woman whom I saw
in the presence of two worthy candidates of medicine, Messrs. Wollfart and
Flach, my esteemed friends, who has strong rounded ligaments [ligamenta valida teretia], which usually connect the femur with the acetabulum,
were absent on both sides, which is a very rare case, it becomes indisputably
clear that in this case a dislocation occurs more easily than a fracture. |
External links
Saltzmann J, Nicolai HA. Decas observationum illustrium anatomicarum…. Argentorati: S. Kürsnerus, MDCCXXV [1725]. [ ,]
Authors & Affiliations
Johann Salzmann (1679-1738), was an anatomist and surgeon, professor of anatomy from 1708, and later also professor of surgery at the University of Strasbourg. []
Heinrich Albert Nicolai (1701-1733), was a doctor, university teacher, and late professor of surgery at the University of Strasbourg. []
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, absence, observation
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