The author talks about an anatomical specimen of a femur that does not have a fossa of the femoral head – the area of attachment of the ligament of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). This publication was later mentioned by 1830HildebrandtGF_WeberEH.
Sandifort E. Observationes anatomico-pathologicæ, Liber III. Lugdunum Batavorum:
Apud P.v.d. Eyk et D. Vygh, 1779. |
Quote p. 135 |
Femoris ossis caput absque illa fovea, cui adnectere sese ligamentum
teres solet, ostensum nostro in Theatro est, dum totum hocce ligamentum plane
deërat (i). |
The head of the femur without the pit to which the ligamentum teres usually attaches was shown to us in Theatre [Anatomical Theater], while in this case the entire ligament was completely absent (i). |
(i) Conf. Salzmann Decas Obfervat. illuftr. Anatom. Argentor. 1725.
obf. 7. in Halleri Collect. Difput.
Anatom, vol. 6. pag. 694. |
(i) Conf. Salzmann Decas Obfervat. illuftr. Anatom. Argentor. 1725.
obf. 7. in Halleri Collect. Difput.
Anatom, vol. 6. pag. 694. |
Sandifort E. Observationes anatomico-pathologicæ, Liber III. Lugdunum Batavorum: Apud P.v.d. Eyk et D. Vygh, 1779. []
Authors & Affiliations
Eduard Sandifort (1742-1814), was a Dutch physician and anatomist,
professor of anatomy and surgery at Leiden University. []
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Eduard Sandifort Coloured lithograph by L. Springer; original in the Wellcome Collection (CC0 – Public Domain, color correction) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, absence, observation
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