Our translation of
the patent for invention: Dudko GE.
Method of endoprosthetics of proximal end of femur SU1551366 (1990). The original in Russian is available at the
link: 1990ДудкоГЕ.
SU1551366A1 USSR
Inventor: Gennady Evtikhievich Dudko
Worldwide applications 1986 SU
Application SU864139860A events:
1986-10-29 Application filed by Dudko Gennadij E
1986-10-29 Priority to SU864139860A
1990-03-23 Application granted
1990-03-23 Publication of SU1551366A1
Status: Expired – Lifetime
Method of endoprosthetics of proximal end of femur
Gennady Evtikhievich Dudko
относится к медицине, а именно к ортопедии и травматологии, и используется при
эндопротезировании проксимального конца бедренной кости. С целью профилактики
смещения головки протеза и обеспечения движения в раннем послеоперационном
периоде производят резекцию измененной части бедренной кости, устанавливают
полимер-титановый эндопротез, формируют каналы в области дна вертлужной
впадины, в головке и шейке эндопротеза, в большом вертеле, проводят через них
ленту и фиксируют ее концы.
In the lateral position, the hip joint area is opened. The proximal end of
the femur is exposed. The head of the femur with the remains of the neck is
removed. A bed for the endoprosthesis is formed in the medullary cavity of the
femur. Two holes are made with an awl in the subtrochanteric region of the
femur for the artificial tape. The polymer-titanium prosthesis is installed by
inserting the endoprosthesis stem into the medullary cavity of the femur until
it stops in the intertrochanteric region. The remains of the round ligament are
removed in the area of the bottom of the acetabulum. A channel with a
diameter of 6-8 mm is formed at the place of its attachment with a drill,
through which the end of the tape with a dumbbell-shaped stop is inserted into
the pelvic cavity. The tape is pulled by the ends and it is made sure that the
dumbbell-shaped stop rests against the bottom of the acetabulum. The free ends
of the tape are passed through a pre-formed Y-shaped channel in the head and
neck of the endoprosthesis and the corresponding holes in the greater
trochanter using a wire loop. The head of the endoprosthesis is adjusted into
the acetabulum, the hip is bent to an angle of 90° and moved outward as much as
possible, the tape is pulled by the ends and tied or sutured in the
subtrochanteric region. The damaged structures are sutured layer by layer: the
joint capsule, muscles, fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skin. The limb is
placed on an orthopedic pillow in a mid-physiological position. Movements in
the joint are developed from the second day. After 5-7 days, patients learn to
walk on crutches without support on the operated limb.
Example. Patient O., a pensioner, was hospitalized for a closed fracture of the
right femoral neck. X-ray showed a subcapital fracture of the right femoral
neck with displacement. He was treated with skeletal traction for 5 weeks. The
treatment was ineffective. An endoprosthetic replacement surgery was performed
using the traditional technique with a polymer-titanium endoprosthesis with the
formation of a ligament between the head of the prosthesis and the bottom of the
acetabulum using the described technique. The postoperative period was
uneventful. Movements in the hip joint began on the second day, on the fifth
day he was raised on crutches without support on the operated leg. The stitches
were removed on the 12th day. He was examined two years later: he walks freely,
over long distances without a cane. He fully cares for himself. There is no
shortening of the limb. Range of motion in the operated joint: flexion 80°,
extension 175°, abduction 35°, outward rotation 35°, inward rotation - 15°.
Control radiographs of the right hip joint show no signs of arthrosis, the
endoprosthesis stem is in the bone marrow cavity, oriented toward the center of
the acetabulum. There are no signs of osteoporosis or subluxation. Five people
were operated on using this technique with good results.
Thus, the proposed method prevents displacement of the endoprosthesis head
during unipolar endoprosthetics and ensures patient activation in the early
postoperative period.
A method for endoprosthetic replacement of the proximal end of the femur by
resecting the altered portion of the femur with subsequent installation of an
endoprosthesis, characterized in that, in order to prevent displacement of the
head of the prosthesis and ensure movement in the early postoperative period,
channels are formed in the area of the bottom of the acetabulum, in the head
and neck of the endoprosthesis, a tape is passed through them and its ends are
Non-Patent Citations
Каплан А. В. Травматология пожилого
возраста. М.: Медицина, 1977, с. 222-235.
External links
Дудко ГЕ. Способ
эндопротезирования проксимального конца бедра. SU1551366А1, от 29 октября 1986.
Бюл. №11, 23.031990. patents.su
Dudko GE. Method
of endoprosthetics of proximal end of femur (Способ эндопротезирования проксимального конца бедра) SU1551366A1 October
29, 1986. 1990. patents.googleEN
, patents.googleRU
Authors & Affiliations
Evtikhievich Dudko (1938-2024), traumatologist-orthopedist, professor,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine bsmu.edu.ua
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, endoprosthesis, prosthesis, invention, unipolar, subtotal
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