Fragment from the book Blancard S. Anatomia reformata (1687). The author writes about the attachment and function of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF).
Quote p. 263
Appendices habet superius inferiusque insignes, processibus suisjunctas.
Supcrior appendix cum adjuncto processus, amplum, globosumque femoris caput constituit,
valida cervice subnixum, quod intra cavitatem ossis ischii, ilium, & pubis concursi
productam, (acetabulum alias, pyxidemque) reconditur. Detinctur in hoc sinu robustis
ligamentis: lato uno, & membranoso, quod articulum totum circumdat, tum rotundo
altero, & tereti, quod ab ipsa cavitate productum, statim in caput susceptum
Above and below, there are remarkable appendages
connected with processes. The upper appendage together with the process
attached to it forms a large and round head of the femur, supported by a strong
neck, which is placed inside the cavity formed by the fusion of bones: ischium,
ilium and pubis (otherwise called the acetabulum or cup). It is held in this
cavity by strong ligaments: one wide and membranous, which surrounds the entire
joint, and the other round and rounded, which begins directly in the cavity
itself and is immediately attached to the head.
External links
Blancard S. Anatomia reformata, sive Concinna corporis humani:
dissectio, ad neotericorum mentem adornata, plurimisque tabulis chalcographicis
illustrate. Accedit ejusdem authoris be balsamatione, nova methodus, à nemine
antehac hoc modo descripta. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem ten Hoorn, 1687. []
Authors & Affiliations
Steven Blankaart
(Stephanus Blancardus, 1650-1702) was a Dutch physician, iatrochemist, and
entomologist. []
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, role, form
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