Fragments from the book Vesalius A. Humani corporis fabrica Libri septem (1543). The author describes the anatomy, attachment, properties and role of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF), and also interprets its synonyms. The translation into English was made from the Russian edition (1950ВезалийА). Our brief commentary is available at the link: 1543(a)VesaliusA [Rus].
Quote 1. p. 214.
Liber II. Cap. I. Qvid ligamentum, as qvis ligamentiusus et differentia.
O - Teres ligamentum, femoris os coxendicis ossi iungens.
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Jan Stephan van Calcar (ca. 1543) |
Quote 2. p. 226.
Liber II. Cap. XLIX. De mvscvlis peni pecvliaribus, Qvadragesimi noni
capitis tabulae, eiusdemq figurarum & characterum index.
P,2 - Teres ligamentum, a coxendicis osse in rotundum femoris caput insertum.
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Jan Stephan van Calcar (ca. 1543) |
Quote 3. p. 252.
Liber II. Cap. LXI. De ligamentis, ilivm ossa sacro colligantibus, et
coxendicis ac genu articuli, deq; religuin omnibus quae in tibia et pede
habentur ligamentis.
Porro aliud coxendicis articulo peculiare ligamentum teres est, & adeo durum, ut cartilaginous neruus merito ab alijs appellatus fuerit. Hoc ex
medio capitis femoris enatum, non in acetabuli centrum inseritur, at in
humilimam ipsius sedem, ubi adeps, non autem cartilago, sinui oblinitur.
Quote 4. p. 256.
Liber II. Cap. LXII. Mvscvlorum in tibia et pede sedem
obtinentum, et ligamentorum omnium quae hactenus non resecta sunt,
administrandi ratio, musculoruq; qui tibiam et pedem occupant, numerus.
Mox ad coxendicis articulum accedens, orbiculatim illum ambiens
ligamentum acutiori cultello transuersim diuidito, atqueeius crassitiem, sed
praecipua ortuni & insertione, inspicito. Simodo femur in exteriora modice
duxeris, ex acetabulo ipsius caput elabetur, & teres ligamentum se spectandum
exhibebit. Hoc transuersim dissecto, acetabulum accurate obseruandum uenit,
propter iam commemorati ligamenti insertionem, & id ligamentum quod sinum
augere diximus.
Quote 1. 214.
Book 1. Chapter 1. What is a ligament. The
purpose of ligaments and their differences
O - Round ligament, connecting the femur to the pelvic
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Jan Stephan van Calcar (ca. 1543) |
Quote 2. 226.
Book 2. Chapter 49. On the muscles belonging to the
male genital organ.
P 2 - The round ligament, attached to the pelvic bone
and to the round head of the femur.
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Jan Stephan van Calcar (ca. 1543) |
Quote 3. 252.
Book 2. Chapter 61. On the ligaments that connect the
ilium with the sacrum, on the ligaments of the pelvic and knee joints, and on
all the other ligaments that are in the tibia and in the foot.
Next, another ligament, belonging to the pelvic joint,
is rounded and so rigid that it has been called by others, not without reason,
the cartilaginous tendinous. Arising from the middle of the head of the femur,
it is attached not to the center of the socket, but to its lowest part, where
not cartilage but fat envelops the sinus and hides the edges of the socket of
the pelvic bone.
Quote 4. 256.
Book 2. Chapter 62. The order of opening the muscles
that are near the tibia and in the foot, and all the ligaments that have not
been resected up to now.
Then, approaching the pelvic joint, you will divide with a sharp knife the ligament that encircles it transversely, and examine its thickness, origin, and attachment. If you now slightly draw the thigh outward, its head will slip out of the socket, and the observer will see a round ligament, which, having been cut transversely, can be carefully examined for the attachment of the ligament just mentioned and the one that, as we said, enlarges the sinus.
External links
Vesalius A. Humani corporis fabrica Libri septem. Basileae: Ex officina
Joannis Oporini, Anno salutis reparatae, MDXLIII Mense Iunio [June, 1543]. [
Authors & Affiliations
Andreas Vesalius (Andries van Wezel, 1514-1564) physician, anatomist,
professor at the University of Padua. []
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Andreas Vesalius (1501-1550) Artist Jan van Calcar, original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes). |
Jan Stephan van Calcar (Giovanni da Calcar, Ioannes Stephanus Calcarensis; c. 1499-1546) was a German-born Italian painter. []
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Jan Stephan van Calcar Author Maximilian Franck (1818), original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes). |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament
of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, role, properties, synonym
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