Fragment from the book Josephus F. Antiquities of the Jews ( Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία ). The book was written in 93-94. The author mentions ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in an animal and an episode of its damage in a human. To denote the LCF, Josephus Flavius used the Greek term « νεῦρον ». See our commentary at the link: 93-94JosephusF [Rus]. Quote [ Lat] De antiquitate iudaica. Liber primus (original source: 1150JosephusF, p. 22) [ Grc/Lat] Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία . BIB Λ ION A. κεφ . ιθ ʹ Antiquitates Iudaicae. Liber primus. Cap. XIX (original source: 1611JosephusF, p. 33) [ Grc] Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία . BIB Λ ION A. (XX. 2) (original source: 1961JosephusF, p. 158, 160) Translation [Eng] Antiquities of the Jews. Book 1. 20.2 When Jacob had made these appointments all the day, and night came on, he moved on with his company; and, as they were gone over a certain river called Jabboc, Jacob was left behind; and meeting with an angel he wrestled with him, the angel beginning the stru...
The ligament of the head of femur or round ligament, called ligamentum capitis femoris in Latin, is a crucial element of the hip joint. The blog discusses its role, anatomy, development, pathology, classifications, treatment, diagnosis, synonyms, experiments, history of study, application of research results in sports, veterinary, biomechanics, zoology, collects, and analyzes scientific research, images, as well as intriguing facts about this element. THIS IS THE BIRTHPLACE OF INNOVATION!