Fragments from the book Heister L. Compendium anatomicum… T. I (1741). The first edition was published in Latin in 1721; a translation into Russian is also known (1757ГейстерЛ). Selected fragments of the treatise describe the anatomy and topography ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). The author mentions a discussion between Jean-Louis Petit and Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard regarding the name and function of the LCF (1725AndryN).
Quote p. 46
; acetabulum a), pro femoris articulation: in quo
minor cavitas pro, glandulæ mucilaginosæ situ commodo; & incisura pro
vasorum in hanc glandulam & ligamentum teres b) femoris ingressu; locos
insertionis huius ligament; & supercilia cum eorum usu notanda.
b) Haud pridem inter Andryum & Petitum Parisiis
lites ortæ sunt, utrum hoc ligamentum vocandum sit teres, an planum. Planum
revera in cadaveribus deprehenditur, non teres; attamem usu invaluit, ut
præstantissimi etiam Anatomici illud teres appellaverint.
Quote p. 46
On the Innominate Bones
; the acetabulum a), for the articulation of the
femur: in which a smaller cavity is intended for the convenient placement of
the mucous gland; and a notch for the entry of vessels into this gland and the
round (teres) ligament b) of the femur; the points of attachment of this
ligament; and the edges with their purpose, which should be noted.
b) Recently, a dispute arose in Paris between Andry and Petit about whether this ligament should be called round (teres) or flat. In fact, in cadavers, it is found to be flat, not round (teres); however, it has become customary to call it round, and even the most prominent anatomists refer to it as round (teres).
External links
Heister L. Compendium
anatomicum totam rem anatomicam brevissime complectens… T. I Norembergae:
Svmtibvs Georg. Christoph. Weberi Bibliop., 1741. []
Authors &
Heister (Laurentius Heister, 1683-1758) was a German botanist, anatomist,
physician, surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor of botany,
theoretical medicine, anatomy and surgery at the University of Altdorf, and at
Helmstedt. []
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Lorenz Heister (18 cent.) Author Johann Jakob Haid, original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes). |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum
teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, topography, synonym
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