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Fragments from the book Spigelius A. De humani corporis fabrica libri decem (1632). The author describes the attachment and properties of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). The synonym of LCF «teres cartilagineum» is mentioned. It seems to us «lig. teres cartilagineum» = «l. cartilagineum» (1803SchregerCHT). The origins of the term in the works of Galen of Pergamon and Theophilus Protospatharius (2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).

Quote 1. p. 71.


Liber II. Qui ossium historiam proponir.

Cap. XXIV. De osse innominato.

Est autem hic sinus cartilagine contectus vbique laeussima, praeter anteriorem partem, quae foraminibus exasperata, ob ligamentum teres, quod inde originem ducens, capiti femoris inseritur.

Quote 2. p. 95.


Liber III. Qui de cartilaginibus, & ligamentis agit.

Cap. IV. De ligamentis agit, quorum naturam, usum, & differentias breuiter persequitur.

Ita femoris articulus cum coxendice, praeter commune, quod latum est, at totum articulum ambit, etiam teres cartilagineum accepit;

Quote 3. p. 98.


Liber III. Qui de cartilaginibus, & ligamentis agit.

Cap. VII. De ligamentis cruris vniuersi.

Ligamentum quo femur ossi coxa alligatur. Femoris ergo caput superius cum acetabulo coxendicis duobus adstringitur ligamentis. Primum, commune est & membraneum, quale in aliis quoq; articulis cernitur, latum, totam horum ossium commissuram orbiculatim ambiens, quod robore ac crassitie, vt ipse articulus aliis, ita caeteris ligamentis praecellit. Alterum, ipso acetabulo, interquel articulum occurrit, teres & cartilagineum. Hoc ex humiliore acetabuli sede enascitur, quo loco supercilium eius osseum non est, sed ligamento tantum constat, & in medium femoris caput, vbi foramen hanc in gratiam exsculptum habet, interitur.



Quote 1. p. 71.

Book II. Which treats of the history of the bones.

Chapter XXIV. Of the innominate bone.

This sinus is covered with cartilage, smooth everywhere, except in the anterior part, where it is pitted with holes for the round ligament, which, taking its origin from here, is attached to the head of the femur.

Quote 2. p. 95.

Book III. Which treats of the cartilages and ligaments.

Chapter IV. Of the ligaments, briefly stating their nature, use, and differences.

Thus the joint of the femur with the pelvis, besides the common [ligament], which is broad and surrounds the whole joint, also has a round cartilaginous [ligament].

Quote 3. p. 98.

Book III. Which treats of the cartilages and ligaments.

Chapter VII. Of the ligaments of the whole leg.

The ligament which connects the femur with the pelvic bone. So, the head of the femur is connected to the acetabulum from above by two ligaments. The first is the common membranous ligament, which, as in other joints, is wide and surrounds the entire connection of these bones in a circle, surpassing other ligaments in its strength and thickness, since the joint itself surpasses other joints. The second ligament is located inside the acetabulum, round and cartilaginous. It originates from the lower part of the acetabulum, where its edge is not bone, but consists only of ligament, and enters the middle of the head of the femur, where a hole is cut out for this.

External links

Spigelius A. De humani corporis fabrica libri decem; tabulis XCIIX aeri incisis elegantissimis, nec antehac visis exornati. Francofurti: Impensis & Caelo Matthaei Meriani, MDCXXXII [1632].  [ ,]

Authors & Affiliations

Adriaan van den Spiegel (Spieghel, Адриан ван ден Спигель, Adrianus Spigelius, Adrianus Spigelius, Адриан Спигелий, 1578-1625) was a Flemish anatomist and botanist. []

Adriaan van den Spiegel
Artist: Jeremias Falckr (about 1619 - 1677),
original in the collection
(Creative Commons CC by NC, no changes)


ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, properties, synonym


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