1611GuidiG The author briefly
writes about the anatomy, function,
and attachment of the LCF.
Fragments from the Guidi G.
Vidi Vidii Florentini De anatome corporis humani (1611). The author
briefly writes about the anatomy, function,
and attachment of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF).
Quote 1. p. 68
Liber secundus. Cap. VIII. De ossa coxa.
Y, sentitur cum quibusdam foraminibus, vnde
oritur ligamentum, quo femoris caput illigatur. Sub hoc cauo vbi femur recipe diximus, ima coxa crassescit,
Quote 2. p. 68
Liber secundus. Notarium sive
characterum, qui figuris. Tabulae XIV, inscripti visuntur, declaracto.
Y. Asperitas cum foraminibus interno
cauo coxae, vnde orirur ligamentum duo femoris caput illigatur.
Quote 1. p. 68
Second Book. Chapter VIII. Of the Bones of
the Pelvis.
Y, has some openings, whence comes the
ligament that attaches the head of the femur. Under this cavity, where we said
that the femur is inserted, the lower part of the pelvis thickens...
Quote 2. p. 68
Second Book. Designation of the signs that
are visible in the figures. Plate XIV, explanation.
Y. Roughness with openings on the inner
surface of the pelvic bone, whence comes the ligament that attaches the head of
the femur.
External links
Guidi G. Vidi Vidii Florentini De
anatome corporis humani. Libri VII. Venise: apud Juntas, MDCXI [1611]. [archive.org]
Authors & Affiliations
Guido Guidi (Vidus Vidius, 1509-1569) an
Italian surgeon, anatomist and translator. [wikipedia.org]
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Guido Guidi Unknown author, original in the x.com (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum
teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, role, function
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