The author mentions their observation of the displacement of the femoral
head from the acetabulum outwards when the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is
stretched. Continuing experimental research, P.N. Gerdy discovered that the
LCF, when stretched during adduction, also displaces the femur in the caudal
direction (see 1833GerdyPN).
The translation from German was done in collaboration with ChatGPT 3.5.
Gerdy PN. Recherches,
discussions, et propositions d'Anatomie, de Physiologie, de Pathologie, etc. Paris:
Béchet, 1823. [fragment] |
Quote pp. 95 |
PROPOSITIONS La luxation du fémur en haut et en dehors est plus facile que celle en bas et en dedans, surtout parce que le ligament interarticulaire tend à s enrouler autour de la tête du femur, dans une violente adduction et qu il tire l os en dehors. Je m en suis assuré par l observation directe.
ASSUMPTIONS Dislocating the femur upwards and outwards is easier than downwards and inwards, especially because the intra-articular ligament tends to spiral around the femoral head during strong adduction and pulls the bone outwards. I confirmed this through direct observation. [see: 1801BellJ !] |
External links
Gerdy PN. Recherches, discussions, et propositions d'Anatomie, de
Physiologie, de Pathologie, etc. Paris: Béchet, 1823. []
Authors & Affiliations
Pierre Nicolas Gerdy (1797-1856) was a French surgeon, anatomist, pathologist and physiologist, professor with the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. []
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Portrait of Pierre Nicolas Gerdy (unknown date) The author of the image is Maurir; engaved by Rosselin; Original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes). |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, ligament inter-articulaire, observation, role
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