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Catalog. Arthroscopic reconstruction



Currently, ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) reconstruction using arthroscopic technologies is considered promising. According to the literature available to us, the first such operation was performed by Marc J. Philippon, which he first reported on in May 2006 (2006PhilipponMJ). Until now, reconstruction of LCF using minimally invasive technologies has not yet become widespread. The long-term results of arthroscopic LCF repair are still uncertain due to insufficient number of surgical procedures performed and short follow-up period (2014O'DonnellJM_SinghPJ).


Arthroscopic LCF reconstruction and discussion of technique

Abibe RB, Rahal SC, dos Reis Mesquita L, Doiche D, da Silva, JP, Mamprim, MJ, Pinho RH, Battazza A, Alves CEF, Saunders WB. Ligamentum teres reconstruction using autogenous semitendinosus tendon with toggle technique in rabbits. PeerJ. 2023;11:e14777. []

Al'Khafaji, I., Olszewski, Y., Clarnette, G., Settle, E., Ernstbrunner, L., O'Donnell, J., & Ackland, D. (2024). The contribution of the ligamentum teres to the hip fluid seal: A biomechanics study. Clinical Biomechanics, 106186. []

Amenabar T, O’Donnell J. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction using semitendinosus tendon: Surgical technique and an unusual outcome. Arthrosc Tech. 2012;1(2)e169-74. []

Ankem HK, Diulus SC, Meghpara MB, Rosinsky PJ, Shapira J, Maldonado DR, ... Domb BG. Arthroscopic triple reconstruction in the hip joint: restoration of soft-tissue stabilizers in revision surgery for gross instability. Arthroscopy Techniques. 202110(5)e1239-48. []

Arkhipov SV. Underwater Rock of the Ligamentum Teres Reconstructions. Ligamentum Teres – Ligamentum Incognitum. 2019, December 23:1-3. []

Bajwa AS, Cantab MP, VillarRN. Editorial Commentary: Arthroscopic Hip Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction – Reality or Mythology? 2018;34(1)152-4. []

Bajwa A. What the papers say. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery. 2023;8(4)384-6. []

Bourgeault-Gagnon Y, Cohen D, Ayeni OR. Editorial Commentary: Borderline Hip Dysplasia Combined With Increased Anteversion and Ligamentum Teres Disruption Is a Recipe for Hip Microinstability. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. 2024;11. []

Brady AW, Chahla J, Locks R, Mikula JD, SletteEL, LaPrade RF, Philippon MJ. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligamentum teres: A guide to safe tunnel placement. Arthroscopy. 2018;34(1)144-51. []

Briggs KK, Pennock A, Philippon MJ. Paper 36: Arthroscopic Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction. Arthroscopy. 2011;27(1)e20-1. []

Chaharbakhshi EO, Perets I, Ashberg L, Mu B, Lenkeit C, Domb BG. Do ligamentum teres tears portend inferior outcomes in patients with borderline dysplasia undergoing hip arthroscopic surgery? A match-controlled study with a minimum 2-year follow-up. The American journal of sports medicine. 2017;45(11)2507-16. []

Chaharbakhshi EO, Perets I, Ashberg L, Mu B, Lenkeit C, Domb BG.). Do ligamentum teres tears portend inferior outcomes in patients with borderline dysplasia undergoing hip arthroscopic surgery? A match-controlled study with a minimum 2-year follow-up. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017;45(11)2507-16. []

Chandrasekaran S, Martin TJ, Close MR, Suarez-Ahedo C, Lodhia P, Domb BG. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligamentum teres: A case series in four patients with connective tissue disorders and generalized ligamentous laxity. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2016;3:358-367. [ ,]

de Sa D, Phillips M, Philippon MJ, Letkemann S, Simunovic N, Ayeni OR. Ligamentum teres injuries of the hip: a systematic review examining surgical indications, treatment options, and outcomes. Arthroscopy. 2014;30(12):1634-41. []

Dimitrakopoulou A, Villar RN. Surgical Treatment of Specific Hip Conditions: Ligamentum Teres Injuries. In Hip Joint Restoration. New York: Springer, 2017:521-6. []

Garabekyan T, Chadayammuri V, Pascual-Garrido C, Mei-Dan O. All-arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction with graft fixation at the femoral head-neck junction. Arthrosc Tech. 2016;5(1)e143-7. []

Hammarstedt JE, Redmond JM, Gupta A, DombBG. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction of the hip in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: a case study. HIP Int.  2015;25(3)286-91. []

Hartigan DE, Hegedus CE. Editorial Commentary: Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction May Improve Hip Stability But Has High Revision Rates: Fad or Restoration of Function? Arthroscopy. 2021;37(6)1820-1. []

Ismailoglu AV, Ismailoglu P, Zeynalov SI, Ozdogmus O, Yildizhan SE, Bayramoglu A, Kayaalp A. A guide to facilitate the creation of a femoral tunnel for arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction: a three-dimensional computed tomography study. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery. 2023hnad027. [ ,]

Knapik DM, Farivar D, Kunze KN, Gilat R, Nho SJ, Chahla J. Indications and outcomes after ligamentum teres reconstruction: a systematic review. Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation. 2021;3(3)e939-49. [ ,

Kraeutler MJ, Garabekyan T, Pascual-Garrido C, Mei-Dan O. Ligamentum teres tendinopathy and tears. MLTJ. 2016;6(3)337-42. []

Lall AC, Ankem HK, Ryan MK, Beason DP, Diulus SC, Roach RP, Rosinsky PJ, Maldonado DR, Emblton BA, Domb BG. In-line Pullout Strength of 2 Acetabular Fixation Methods for Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction of the Hip: A Cadaveric Study. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021;9(12)23259671211052533.  []

Lindner D, Sharp KG, Trenga AP, Stone J, Stake CE, Domb BG. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction. Arthrosc Tech. 2013;2(1)e21-5. []

Lindner, D., Gilat, R., & Domb, B. G.). Ligamentum Teres Injuries and Treatment. Hip Preservation Surgery: Open, Arthroscopic, and Endoscopic Techniques. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2020;181-90. []

Locks R, Bolia I, Utsunomiya H, Briggs K, Philippon MJ. Current concepts in revision hip arthroscopy. HIP International. 2018;28(4)343-51. []

Maldonado DR, Chen JW, Lall AC, Go CC, Walker-Santiago R, Rosinsky PJ, Shapira J, Domb BG. Arthroscopic Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction Using Anterior Tibialis Allograft and the Tension-Slide Technique. Arthrosc Tech. 2019;8(10)e1075-83. []

Mazek J, Gnatowski M, Salas AP, Domżalski M, Wójcicki R, Skowronek J, Skowronek P. Ligamentum teres reconstruction with labrum and capsule repair after posterior acetabular wall fracture: a case report. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery. 2021;8(Supplement_1)i41-i45.  []

Mazek J, Helmy N, Salas AP, Skowronek P, Madej A, O´Donnell JM, Dimitriou D. Quantitative cotyloid fossa thickness and proximity to obturator neurovascular bundle: implications for arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction. Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery. 2023;10(3-4)192-6. [ ,]

Mei-Dan O, McConkey MO. A novel technique for ligamentum teres reconstruction with “all-suture” anchors in the medial acetabular wall. Arthrosc Tech. 2014;3(2)e217-21. []

Menge TJ, Mitchell JJ, Briggs KK, Philippon MJ. Anatomic arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction for hip instability. Arthrosc Tech. 2016;5(4)e737-e742. []

Neumann JA, Greene RS, Banffy MB. A Technique for Arthroscopic-Assisted Ligamentum Teres Augmentation Using a Suture Tape Augmentation. Arthrosc Tech. 2018;7(1)e65–e69. []

O’Donnell J, Klaber I, Takla A. Ligamentum teres reconstruction: indications, technique and minimum 1-year results in nine patients. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2020;7(1)140–6. []

O’Donnell JM, Pritchard M, Porthos Salas A, Singh PJ. The ligamentum teres—its increasing importance. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2014;1(1)3-11. [ ,]

Pennock AT, Philippon MJ. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction: Technique and Early Outcomes. International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) Annual Scientific Meeting.  Cancun, Mexico, Oct 8-9, 2010, P. 62. []

Philippon MJ, Pennock A, Briggs KK. Arthroscopic Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction. International Society for Hip Arthroscopy, Cancun, Mexico, October 2010, P. 65. []

Philippon MJ, Pennock A, Gaskill TR. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligamentum teres: technique and early outcomes. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012;94B(11)1494-8.  []

Philippon MJ. Advanced Restorative Concepts: Chondral Grafts, Labrum/ Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction, AANA Specialty Days, 2010 AAOS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, La., March 2010, P. 63. []

Philippon MJ. Arthroscopic Capsular Plication and Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction, Sports Hip Surgery, Warwick, England, June 2010, P.64. []

Philippon MJ. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres repair and reconstruction. Santander Arthroscopy and Sports Hip Meeting. Santander, Spain. February 2009.   []

Philippon MJ. Arthroscopic Reconstruction of the Ligamentum Teres. Warwick Sports Hip Conference. Warwick, England. October 2006. [ ,]

Philippon MJ. Ligamentum teres reconstruction. Advances in hip Arthroscopy Meeting. Paris, France. 22-23rd May 2006. [ ,]

Philippon MJ. Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction. Vail Hip Arthroscopy Symposium, Vail, CO, March, 2012. []

Rosinsky PJ, Annin S, Maldonado DR, Kyin C, Meghpara MB, Shapira J, Lall AC, Domb BG. Arthroscopic ligamentum teres reconstruction: Minimum 2-year patient reported outcomes with sub-analysis of patients with EhlerseDanlos syndrome. Arthroscopy. 2020;36(8)2170-82.  []

Rosinsky PJ, Shapira J, Lall AC, Domb BG. All About the Ligamentum Teres: From Biomechanical Role to Surgical Reconstruction. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2020;28(8)e328-e339. []

Shapira J, Yelton MJ, Rosinsky PJ, Maldonado DR, Meghpara MB, Ankem HK, Lall AC, Domb BG. Ligamentum teres reconstruction may lead to improvement in outcomes following a secondary hip arthroscopy for symptomatic microinstability: A systematic review. Arthroscopy. 2021;37(6)1811-9. []

Simpson JM, Field RE, Villar RN. Arthroscopic reconstruction of the ligamentum teres. Arthroscopy. 2011;27(3)436-41. [

Spencer AD, Hagen MS. Predicting Outcomes in Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 2024;1-9. []

Steadman - Hawkins Research Foundation. Annual Report 2006. Vail, Colorado, 2006, P. 60-61. []

Steadman Philippon Research Institute. 2010 Annual Report. Vail, Colorado, 2010, P. 62-65. []

Steadman Philippon Research Institute. 2012 Annual Report. Vail, Colorado, 2012, P. 35, 57, 64, 66. []

White BJ, Ericson JrWB. Hip pain: Surgical treatment of an unstable hip: Labral and ligamentum teres reconstruction and periacetabular osteotomy (PAO). In: Francomano CA et al (Eds). Symptomatic. Elsevier, 2024;547-53. []

White BJ, Scoles AM, Herzog MM. Simultaneous acetabular labrum and ligamentum teres reconstruction: a case report. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2018;5(2)166-73. []

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keywords: ligamentum capitis femoris, ligament of head of femur, ligamentum teres, hip joint, reconstruction, arthroscopy …



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