Fragment of the book Leveling HM. Anatomie des Menschen (1795). The
author mentions ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) using a rare synonym in
German: runden Hängeband (suspensory ligament).
Quote p. 258, second paragraph.
The head has a strong bulge upwards which gradually decreases towards
the bottom. Its position is oblique, according to the oblique position of the
neck. The bulge represents only three parts of a sphere, and the whole is
covered with cartilage in its fresh state. Slightly below the middle of this
bulge is a strong impression from the round suspensory ligament (Lig. teres).
Very clear traces indicate that it was a point of attachment.
External links
Leveling HM. Anatomie des Menschen: zum Leitfaden für angehende Aerzte
und Wundärzte eingerichtet. Vorläufige Begriffe der Anatomie. Knochenlehre.
Erster Theil. Erlangen: in der Waltherschen Buchhandlung, 1795. []
Authors & Affiliations
Heinrich Maria
Leveling (Heinrich Maria von Leveling, 1766-1828) was a German physician,
professor in Ingolstadt. []
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, synonym
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