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Fragments from the book Fabricius H. Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica (1738). Selected fragments of the treatise describe the topography, function, geometric and physical properties of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF), as well as its injury during hip dislocation.

Quote pp. 365-366


Chirurgiae universalis. Liber V. De luxationibus. Cap. VIII, De luxtionis femoris.

Femur habet caput rotudissimum, longae cervici adnatum, quod in sinum profundissimum inseritur. Alligatur autem femur cum suo sinu ossi coxendicis duobus ligamentis, altero orbiculari, altero rotundo, hinc apparet solum perfectam luxationem in femur cadere, non imperfectam, nisi sit causa externa, ut etiam supra de humero luxato diximus. Prorumpit femur ad partem anteriorem, posteriorem, exteriorem, interiorem; hoc tamen fit difficulter; primò propter musculos robustissimos, et propter copiosam musculorum carnem, quae femur in proprio sinu conservat; secondo, propter profunditatem acetabuli; tertio, propter duo ligameta arcta et brevia. Rarò luxatur femur in partem priorem, et posteriorem; quia in his partibus supercilium acetabuli est altius; saepe in exteriorem, quia heic minus altum; saepissimè in interiorem; quia hic minime altum; praeter vero supercilium, ego ligamentum addo rotundum, quod magis proximum est parti internae, et proinde facilius permittit, ut femur luxetur in partem internam.

Quote p. 367


Chirurgiae universalis. Liber V. De luxationibus. Cap. VIII, De luxtionis femoris.

Femur luxatum, difficulter admodum reponitur; quia propter robustissimos musculos extensio fieri non potest; et augetur difficultas, si luxatio no sit recens, quae callo obduruerit, propter humores circa caput femoris affluentes, et propter repletionem ipsius sinus; repositum etiam femur facilè rursus excidit, propter musculos, jam imbecilles redditos, ut ponderosum femur in sua sede continere nequeant, propter ligamentum etiam teres laxatum, vel ruptum.

Quote p. 433


De articulorum actione, pars secunda.

Similiter in femoris, & genu articulo, se res habent, cum enim valde gravia sint: & pondus totius cruris gestent, ad cruris gravitatem facilius sustinendam natura teres ligamentum praeter orbiculare apposuit;


Quote pp. 365-366

Universal Surgery. Book V. On Dislocations. Chapter VIII. On Hip Dislocations.

The hip has a very round head, attached to a long neck, which fits into a very deep socket. The hip is connected to the socket in the pelvic bone by two ligaments: one circular, the other round. Thus, it can be seen that only a complete dislocation of the hip is possible, not a partial one, unless there is an external cause, as we also mentioned earlier about shoulder dislocation. The hip dislocates to the front, back, outside, and inside; this happens with difficulty; firstly, because of the very strong muscles and the large amount of muscle mass that holds the hip in its socket; secondly, because of the depth of the acetabulum; thirdly, because of the two strong and short ligaments. The hip rarely dislocates to the front and back because in these parts the edge of the acetabulum is higher; often to the outside, because here the edge is lower; most often to the inside, because here the edge is the lowest; besides the edge, I add the rounded ligament, which is closest to the inner part and therefore more easily allows the hip to dislocate inward.

Quote p. 367

Universal Surgery. Book V. On Dislocations. Chapter VIII. On Hip Dislocation.

A hip dislocation is very difficult to reposition because the very strong muscles make traction impossible; and the difficulty increases if the dislocation is not recent, but has already hardened due to callus formation, due to the accumulation of fluids around the head of the femur and the filling of the socket itself; even a reduced hip can easily dislocates again because the muscles are already weakened and cannot hold the heavy hip in place, and also because of the weakened or torn round ligament.

Quote p. 433

On the Action of Joints, Part Two.

The same applies to the hip and knee joints, as they bear a great weight and support the entire leg. To better handle the weight of the leg, nature has added the rounded ligament in addition to the capsular ligament.

Authors & Affiliations

Fabricius H. Hieronymi Fabricii ab Aquapendente... Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica, hactenus variis locis ac formis edita: nunc verò certo ordine digesta, & in unum volumen redacta. … Editio novissima. Lugduni Batavorum: apud Johannem van Kerckhem, MDCCXXXVIII [1738]. [] 

Authors & Affiliations

Girolamo Fabrici d'Acquapendente (Girolamo Fabrizio or Hieronymus Fabricius; 1533-1619) was an anatomist and surgeon, professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Padua. []

Girolamo Fabrizi d'Acquapendente
Unknown author, original in the collection
(CC0 – Public Domain, no changes)


ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, function, properties, dislocation


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