Fragments from the book Albinus B.S. De ossibus corporis humani (1726). The author describes the attachment areas of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF), as well as mentions the role of the adipose tissue of the acetabular cavity and the vessels entering it. For a discussion about the “correct” name of the LCF, see the treatise 1725AndryN.
Quote pp. 158-159
At vero
reliqua ejusdem istius sinus pars altius opportune cavata est, ipsa
inaequabilis asperaque, cum ad locandam glandulam muciparam ita, ut & a
femore, sive quiescentibus ossibus hisce, sive motis, plane comprimi nequeat,
& tamen leviter quasi emulgeatur, tum ad educendum ligamentum dictum teres:
ad quae ut vasa adrepere possent ipsum acetabulum inter superficiei istius
laevis cornua insigniter deficit & quasfi diminuitur vasa tutissime
Quote p. 169
Sinum praeterea
utraque capita, nonnihil sub media convexitate sua, ab interior parte habent,
eumque parvum ac satis profundum & inaequabilem, cui ligamentum teres, ex
acetabulo veniens, pertinacissime insertur.
Quote pp. 158-159
The remainder of this [acetabular] socket
is conveniently hollowed out, uneven and rough, to accommodate the mucous gland
so that it cannot be completely compressed by the thigh, whether the bones are
at rest or in motion, and is slightly compressed. It [the acetabular cavity] is
also intended for the origin of the so-called ligamentum teres, and to
allow the vessels to penetrate, the acetabular cavity itself significantly
narrows between the horns of the smooth surface, allowing the vessels to pass
Quote p. 169
In addition, each of the heads [of the femur] has a sinus on the inner side below the central convexity, which is small, rather deep and uneven, to which the ligamentum teres is attached, coming from the acetabulum.
External links
Albinus BS. De ossibus corporis humani. Ad
auditores suos. Leidae batavorum: Apud H. Mulhovium, MDCCXXVI [1726]. [
Authors & Affiliations
Bernhard Siegfried Albinus (1697-1770) was a German-born
Dutch anatomist, professor of medicine at the University of Leiden. []
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Bernhard Siegfried Albinus. Mezzotint by J. J. Haid after C. de Moor; original in the (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, synonym
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