Fragments from the book Bussemaker UC, Daremberg C. Oeuvres d'Oribase. T. III. (1858). The author translates into French from Greek the treatise of Oribasius (c. 325 - c. 403) “Medical Collection”, which talks about ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). The passage mentioning LCF coincides with a fragment of Galen's text from the book “On Bones for Beginners” (Περὶ Ὀστῶν τοῖς Εἰσαγομένοις; De Ossibus ad Tirones): «κοτύλη δέ εστιν εν εκατέρω των ισχίων ευμεγέθης, ισχυροτάτω συνδέσμω συμπεφυκυία τή του μηρού κεφαλή» (1821KühnCG).
Quote p. 416
Οριβάσιου Συναγωγαί Ίατρικα. Περι των ανωνυμων.
Κοτύλῃ δὲ ἐστὶν ἐν ἐκατὲρῳ τῶν
ἰσχίων εύμεγέθης, ισχυροτάτῳ συδἐσμοῳ συμπεφυκυῖα τῇ τοῦ
μηροῦ κεφαλῇ.
medicale d’Oribase. Livre XXV, 19. Des os sans nom.
Chacune des
deux hanches contient un cotyle (csvité cotyloïde) trés – considerable, qui se
rattache, á l’aide d’un ligament trés – vigoureux (lig. inter - articulare), á
la tête du femur.
Medical Collections. Book XXV, 19. Bone without a name.
There is a socket of large size in each of the ischia, attached by a very stout ligament (σύνδεσμος) to the head of the femur. (2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).
UC, Daremberg C. Oeuvres d'Oribase. T. III. Paris: A l'Imprimerie nationale,
MDCCCLIII [1858]. []
Kühn CG.
Clavdii Galeni Opera omnia. Editionem cvravit D. Carolvs Gottlob Kühn,
professor physiologiae et pathologiae in literarvm vniversitate Lipsiensi
pvblicvs ordinarivs etc. Tom. II. Lipsiae: prostat in officina libraria Car.
Cnoblochii, 1821. []
& Affiliations
Ulco Cats Bussemaker (1810-1865) was a physician, translator. []
Victor Daremberg (1817-1872) was a French librarian, medical historian and
classical philologist. []
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Charles Victor Daremberg (19-th cent.) Unknown author; original in the collection (CC0 – Public Domain, no changes) |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, synonym, role
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