On the biology, the common
meaning of 'function' is that of role, effect, or transformation rule (1994MorenoA_Fern´andezJ).
The function of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is still unknown (2009LampertC)
and the ligament itself continues to bewilder and fascinate orthopaedic
surgeons (2020Rosinsky_DombBG). The largest collections of opinions on the
function of the LCF are contained in our works (2004Архипов-БалтийскийСВ; 2018,2023АрхиповСВ). The classification of the function of the LCF necessary to determine the directions for further study of this
structure, the choice of goals and methods for its surgical recovery. The
reconstruction of the LCF without restoring specific functions to
solve a clearly defined clinical and biomechanical problem is nothing more than
a cosmetic procedure.
The proposed classification
based on experimental and clinical studies of the author, as well as because of
an analysis of literary sources. All the selected functions of the LCF divided
into four types - physical, biochemical, biological and informational (Tables
1-4). We proposed to divide functions into hierarchical units similar to the
elements of the systematics of living organisms: phylum, class, order, family,
genus, and specie. Each function is marked with a color indicating the highest
level of evidence as of the current date. The sequence of levels is located on
the “confidence scale” from the highest mark - “axiom” to the lowest mark -
“error” (Table 5). With further study of the LCF, we plan to expand on the
above above functions and clarify the levels of evidence used.
Moreno A, Umerez, J, Fern´andez J. Definition of life
and research program in artificial life. Ludus Vitalis. 1994;2(3)15–33.
Lampert C. Läsionen des lig. capitis femoris:
pathologie und therapie. Arthroskopie. 2009;22(4)293–8.
Rosinsky PJ, Shapira J, Lall AC, Domb BG. All About the Ligamentum
Teres: From Biomechanical Role to Surgical Reconstruction. J Am Acad Orthop
Surg. 2020; 28(8)e328–e39.
С.В. Рассуждение о морфомеханике. Норма. T.2. Калининград, 2004. [In Russ.]
Архипов С.В. Биомеханика пингвинов: заметки к вопросу
о причинах ковыляющей походки и перспективах ее ремоделирования…, Т.5. Королев, 2018.
[In Russ.]
Архипов С.В. Связка головки бедренной кости: функция и роль в патогенезе коксартроза; 2-ое изд., испр. и доп. Йоэнсуу: Издание Автора, 2023. [In Russ.]
Physical functions of the LCF (Table 1)
Elastic forces
functions |
Static functions |
Damping functions: |
- for the pelvis |
- for the femur |
Protective function: |
- for the transit vessels (arterial, venous,
lymphatic) |
- for the nerves (r. post. n. obtur. and other
nerves) |
Local compression functions: |
... of the femoral head: |
- the cartilaginous part |
- the bony part |
...of the acetabulum: |
- the cartilaginous part (model of the
acetabulum) |
- the bony part (lunate surface) |
Dislocation functions |
Synovial fluid mixing
function |
Synovial fluid distribution
function |
Mesenchyme separation
function |
Reaction force
functions (horizontal, vertical, tangential) |
Dynamic functions |
Functions of restriction
(braking): |
... translational movements |
... of femur: |
- on the cranial direction |
- on the lateral direction |
- on the medial direction |
- forward |
- back |
… of pelvis: |
- on the caudal direction |
- on the medial direction |
- on the lateral direction |
- forward |
- back |
... rotational movements |
... of femur |
… on the horizontal plane: |
- pronation |
- supination |
… on the frontal plane: |
... adduction |
... abduction |
... of pelvis |
… on the horizontal plane: |
- turn forward |
- turn back |
… on the frontal plane: |
- medial tilt |
Motion correction functions: |
... of pelvis: |
- lateral tilt with turning forward |
- lateral tilt with turning back |
- medial tilt with leaning forward |
- medial tilt with leaning back |
- turn forward after turn back |
- turn back after turn forward |
- lateral displacement after subluxation |
- lateral displacement with adduction,
pronation and supination |
... of femur: |
- increased adduction with flexion |
- increased adduction with extension |
- increased abduction with pronation |
- increased abduction with supination |
- medial displacement with adduction,
pronation, and supination |
- medial displacement with initial
lateralization |
- increased lateral displacement with
abduction and flexion |
Biomechanical functions: |
Converting a hip into an analog of third-class
lever |
Shunting of the load of the horizontal part of
the iliofemoral ligament |
Shunting of the load of the abductor muscle
group |
Reducing the load on the pronators and
supinators while walking |
Reducing the load on the pronators and
supinators while running |
Reducing the load on the flexors and extensors
while walking |
Reducing the load on the flexors and extensors
while running |
Ensuring rhythmic walking |
Ensuring rhythmic running |
Ensuring gait symmetry |
Ensuring running symmetry |
Ensuring minimal body sway while walking |
Determination of the maximum speed of pelvic
rotation while walking |
Determination of the maximum speed of pelvic
rotation while running |
Determination of the amplitude of the
inclination and rotation of the pelvis while walking |
Determination of the amplitude of the
inclination and rotation of the pelvis while running |
Determination of the maximum frequency of
pelvic rotation |
Determining the maximum step frequency |
Determination of the maximum frequency of shoulder
girdle rotation while walking |
Determining of the maximum frequency of hand fluctuations |
Determination of the trajectory of movement of
the common center of mass of the body |
Determination of the acceleration of movement
of the common center of mass of the body |
Converting potential energy into kinetic
energy while walking |
Converting potential energy into kinetic
energy while running |
Anti-gravity dynamic
functions: |
Support pelvic and body while walking |
Support pelvic and body while running |
Reducing body weight while walking (lifting
force generation) |
Reducing the vertical component of the
reaction force while walking |
Reducing the transverse component of the
reaction force while walking |
Tribological functions: |
Influence on friction coefficient |
Influence on the reaction force of the femoral
head |
Static functions |
Stabilization functions: |
- of pelvis in one-support orthostatic position |
- of pelvis in two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position |
- of femoral head in the acetabulum: |
- macrostabilization (antiluxation) |
- microstabilization (antisubluxation) |
Anti-gravity static functions
(suspension): |
- of pelvis in one-support orthostatic position |
- of pelvis in two-support asymmetrical orthostatic position |
- of femur with flexion-adduction-supination (legs crossed sitting pose) |
Conducting functions (bridge,
tunnel): |
- for transit vessels (arterial, venous,
lymphatic) |
- for nerves (rr. post. n. obtur., rr. musc. n.
fem., n. glut. inf. …) |
Functions of the femoral head
connection to the: |
- fossa acetabulum |
- incisura acetabulum |
- ligamentum transversum |
- periosteum of the pelvis |
- membrana obturatoria |
Tensorogenic functions: |
Influences on the distribution and magnitude
of internal forces (stresses) in the: |
- femoral head (below «+»; above «-») |
- acetabulum (below «+»; above «-») |
- external ligaments and joint capsule (shunt) |
- transverse ligament of the acetabulum
(spraining) |
- abductor muscle group (shunt) |
Influences on the shape, size and position
(deformation, displacement): |
- of femoral head |
- of femoral neck |
- of acetabulum |
- of hip bone |
- of pelvis |
- of lumbosacral spine |
Biochemical functions of the LCF (Table 2)
Functions of regulation of
synovial fluid properties: |
volume |
fluidity |
osmotic pressure |
viscosity |
surface tension |
wetting |
density |
temperature |
gas pressure |
functions: |
excretion |
Production of organic components |
Production of inorganic components |
Gas excretion |
Excretion of atypical chemicals |
function: |
absorption |
Absorption of organic components |
Absorption of inorganic |
Absorption of atypical chemical compounds
(e.g. drugs) |
absorption |
functions: |
Dissolution of inorganic substances (urates,
calcium dihydropyrophosphate, hydroxyapatite) |
Dissolution of organic substances
(fibrinolysis, emulsification of bone marrow fat) |
dissolution |
functions: |
Crystallization of inorganic substances
(urates, calcium dihydropyrophosphate) |
denaturation |
Demulsification of fat |
Biological functions of the LCF (Table 3)
functions: |
fluid volume regulation |
fluid composition regulation |
temperature regulation |
Hip joint pressure regulation |
in immune processes |
Maintaining one-support orthostatic position and two-support asymmetrical orthostatic
position |
for locomotion |
allocation functions: |
distribution |
distribution |
functions: |
Cytopoietic function (synoviocytes,
histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes) |
The formation of chondromic bodies (synovial
chondromatosis) |
The formation of synovial cysts |
Sanitation functions
(synovial fluid sanitation): |
Destruction function (cells, fibers,
bacteria, tissue detritus, pus, blood clots, bone, cartilage fragments) |
Extraction function (removal of degradation
products) |
Hormonal functions of
adipose tissue: |
Hormone synthesis (leptin, angiotensin,
estrogen, resistin, adipsin, adiponectin) |
Enzyme synthesis (plasminogen, liporotein lipase) |
Peptide synthetsis (cytokines, eicosanides) |
functions: |
fluid remodeling |
Remodeling of adipose tissue of the
acetabulum |
Remodeling of the ligamentous apparatus |
cartilage remodeling |
Acetabular labral remodeling |
remodeling |
Tendon remodeling of abductor muscles |
Remodeling muscle tissue of abductor muscles |
Shape-forming functions
(morphogenesis, transformation): |
The formation of the external ligaments of
the hip joint |
The formation of cartilage (labrum acetabulum,
femoral head, cartilage model of the acetabulum) |
The formation of hip bone and femur |
The formation of adjacent joints (pubic
symphysis, sacroiliac joint, knee) |
The formation of the parts of the skeleton
(pelvis, spine) |
functions: |
nutrition |
Blood supply of the femoral head |
functions: |
Tissue transport |
circulation |
Lymphatic circulation |
Information functions of the LCF (Table 4)
Conductive functions: |
Afferent function |
Efferent function |
functions: |
functions: |
function |
Vibroreceptor function |
Tensoreceptor function |
functions: |
Cold-sensitive function |
Heat-sensitive function |
function |
functions: |
Kinesthesia |
Proprioception |
Nociception |
Immuno-information functions: |
Cellular immune function |
functions |
Trigger function |
Metronome function |
Levels of evidence of functions of the LCF with their conventional names and symbols (Table 5)
Color and number
designations of evidence levels |
Names of evidence
levels |
1 |
Axiom |
2 |
Research |
3 |
Experiment |
4 |
Observation |
5 |
Calculation |
6 |
Figure |
7 |
Publication |
8 |
Hypothesis |
9 |
Error |
Keywords: ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum
teres, ligament of head of femur, role, function, hip joint, biomechanics
In translating to English, the author is assisted by
ChatGPT (version 3.5) and the Google Translate service.
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