Fragments from the book Berengario da Carpi. Isagoge breues perlucide ac uberime in Anatomia humani corporis a comuni Medicoru Academia usitata (1523). The author describes the attachment, physical properties and role of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF). Berengario da Carpi uses a rare synonym for LCF: ligamento cordoso.
Quote p. 69.
De anatomia pedum.
Post istud os seu ossa anche sequitur os coxe longum interius plicatum:
& exterius couexū: & grossum maius omni alio corporis osse uacuū ut sit
leue in quo est medulla sicut & in aliis magnis ossibus: & inctura
inter istud os & os ache uocat ischia: istud os habet duo additameta supius
& duo inferius: sed supiora sunt maiora quorū unū ingteditur ut predictū
pixidé ossis anche: in cuius cetro pter alia ligamêta cū uno ligamento cordoso
rotūdo: et duro: firmissime unitur: ne de facili dislocetur.
Quote p. 69.
Of the anatomy of the leg.
After this bone or bones of the pelvis comes the long
inwardly curved part of the femur, externally convex and thick, the largest of
all the bones of the body, hollow, so as to be light, in which is the marrow,
as in the other large bones. And the connection between this bone and the bones
of the pelvis is called the ischium (ischia). This bone has two projections in
the upper part and two in the lower, the upper ones being larger. One of them
enters, as has been said before, into the depression of the pelvic bone, in the
center of which, besides other ligaments, there is one round, cord-like and
hard ligament, which connects the bones very firmly, so that it cannot be
easily dislocated.
External links
Berengario da Carpi. Isagoge breues perlucide ac uberime in Anatomia
humani corporis a comuni Medicoru Academia usitata, a Carpo, in almo Bononiensi
Gymnasio ordinariam chirurgiae docente, ad suorum scholasticorum preces in
lucem datae. Bologne: Benedict Hector, 1523. []
Authors & Affiliations
Jacopo Berengario da Carpi (Jacobus Berengarius Carpensis, Jacopo Barigazzi, Giacomo Berengario da Carpi, Carpus; c.1460-c.1530) was Italian physician, anatomist. []
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Jacopo Berengario da Carpi (16 cent.) Unknown author (initials - F. E.), original in the Museum of the beautiful Palazzo dei Pio, at Carpi, Province of Modena [] (CC0 – Public Domain, color correction). |
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment, role, properties, synonym
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