treatment of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) pathology is, without
exaggeration, a highly complex subject. We understand how to repair LCF
surgically, although we have not yet achieved significant success in this
(2024). Methods of drug therapy for changes in LCF are not even discussed
The first
attempt at treating post-traumatic changes in LCF with recurrent hip
dislocations was made by Galen of Pergamon (129-210/217 AD) over 19 centuries
ago. In Hippocratis de articulis liber et Galeni in eum commentarius quatus (IV, 40), he wrote: «And
when mucus builds up in the joint, then the ligament [LCF] softens and weakens
as a result. And it does not matter whether you call it a ligament (σύνδεσμον) or a connecting sinew (νεῦρον συνδετικόν). For those ligaments that have a
rounded shape like tendons are usually called connecting sinews by anatomists.
And we have already cured this kind of hip dislocation twice, and it did not
dislocate again. Drying medications should be applied over the joint for a long
time until the connective sinew is dry enough to stop stretching together with
the femur extending beyond the edge of the acetabulum and keep it in its
natural position»
(1829KühnCG; 2020ArkhipovSV_ProlyginaIV).
to the author, the method turned out to be successful. At the same time, a
positive effect could probably be achieved only through prolonged immobilization
without medicinal applications.
capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, conservative
treatment, Galen, hip joint, dislocation
Kühn CG. Clavdii
Galeni Opera omnia. Editionem cvravit D. Carolvs Gottlob Kühn, professor
physiologiae et pathologiae in literarvm vniversitate Lipsiensi pvblicvs
ordinarivs etc. Tom. XVIII. Pars I. Lipsiae: prostat in officina libraria Car.
Cnoblochii, 1829. []
Arkhipov SV, Prolygina IV. Ancient Textual Sources on Ligamentum Teres: Context and Transmission. MLTJ. 2020;10(3):536-546. [,,]
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