Fragments from the Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de corpore consentiente by Aegidius van Limburg (1739). The author briefly writes about the localization of the proximal region of ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) attachment.
Quote p. 5
A Cerebro ut Principio initium.
23. Nec mirum id, nam quod magis est ab inferiori interiori subintrat
acetabulum sub margine cartilaginoso formans ligamentum teres, inter condylos
femoris ligamentum ciruciale articulationis cum tibia.
Beginning with the Brain as a Principle.
23. And this is not surprising, because a round ligament
is formed from the lower inner part of the acetabulum under the cartilaginous
edge, and between the condyles of the femur there is a cruciate ligament
connecting it to the tibia.
External links
van Limburg A. Dissertatio medica
inauguralis, de corpore consentiente. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum
Kallewier, 1739. []
Authors & Affiliations
Aegidius van Limburg (19 cent.) physician?
ligamentum capitis femoris, ligamentum teres, ligament of head of femur, anatomy, attachment area
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