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  T he ligament of the head of femur or ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) is the key to a graceful gait and understanding the causes of hip joint diseases. We present promising scientific knowledge necessary for preserving health,  to create new implants and techniques  of treating degenerative  pathology and damage of the hip joint. Project objective : preserving a normal gait and quality of life, helping to study of hip joint biomechanics, developing effective treatments for its diseases and injuries. In translating to English, the author is assisted by ChatGPT (version 3.5)  and the Google Translate service .  We're sorry for any flaws in the syntax. The meaning makes up for the imperfections!     TABLES OF CONTENTS      ANCIENT MENTIONS  (Early literary evidence and early authors... ) 976-1115Theophilus Protospatharius  The author writes about the  normal anatomy of the LCF and its connective function. 1012-1024Avicenna   The author writes about the localization and  variant of
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  Fragment from the book Santesson C. Om höftleden och ledbrosken uti anatomiskt, pathologiskt och chirurgiskt hänseende, jemte en kritisk öfversigt öfver några bland inflammations-lärans vigtigaste punkter (1849). The author reviews the anatomy, role and development of the of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF).  The text is prepared for machine translation using a service built into the blog from Google. Quote pp. 30-36. Ligamentum prismaticum är först beskrifvet af VESALIUS. Det har oriktigt och sannolikt endast till följe af en felaktig undersökning fått den ännu gängse benämningen: lig. teres. s. rotundum. Fullständigt prepareradt visar det sig hafva en triangulär form, hvarföre ock ligament-lärans utmärktaste bearbetare, WEITBRECHT, med afseende på fibrernes koniska anordning i detsamma kallade det ligamentum prismaticum, som dock ännu ej förmått uttränga den gamla, och derföre häfdvunna, ehuru falska benämningen. Denna triangel har sin spets uti fovea capitis femoris och basen

LCF in 2024 (September)

Publications about the LCF 2024. Chen, P. L., Lu, Y. H., & Hsieh, C. P. (2024). Hip Arthroscopy-assisted Reduction for Irreducible Hip Dislocation: A Case Report.  Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders ,  15 (3), 115-119. [i]   Domb, B. G., Owens, J. S., Lall, A. C., Harris, W. T., & Kuhns, B. D. (2024). Ten-Year Outcomes in Patients Aged 40 Years and Older After Primary Arthroscopic Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement With Labral Repair.  The American Journal of Sports Medicine , 03635465241270291. [ii]   Rossi, F. W., Osman, M., & Mormile, I. (Eds.). (2024).  Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disorders . Frontiers Media SA. [iii]   Jimenez, R. Q., Walsh, E., & Domb, B. G. (2024). Revision Hip Arthroscopy: Getting It Right the Second Time.  Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine , 151108. [iv]   Gautam V, and Narasimhan R. (2024) M


Fragments of the article Welcker H. Nachweis eines ligamentum interarticulare („teres“) humeri, sowie eines lig. teres sessile femoris (1877). The author discusses the differences in the anatomy of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) in animals: tapir, orangutan, chimpanzee. The text is prepared for machine translation using a service built into the blog from Google. Quote p. 99. I. Ein die Schulterkapsel frei durchziehendes, an das lig. teres der Hüfte erinnerndes Band fand ich, die Gelenke einer gTösseren Zahl von Säugethieren musternd, zunächst bei Coelogenys Paca (1). Sofort zu dessen nächstem Verwandten, dem vielfach untersuchten Meerschweinchen, greifend, fand ich das Band in wesentlich gleicher Weise. Ganz dasselbe zeigt Aguti (2) (Dasyprocta Aguti) und das Wasserschwein (3) (Hydrochoerus Capybara), so dass dies Verhalten bei der Familie der Subungulaten ein durchgreifendes zu sein scheint, während ich bei den übrigen Nagern und anderen Säugethieren bis jetzt nichts Aehnliches


  ZOOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY   (Information on the presence in existing and extinct animals... ) LCF of Pithecanthropus   In the hip joint of Pithecanthropus (Pithecanthropus erectus, Homo erectus 2.12-0.43 Ma), there was a LCF. LCF of Australopithecus   The Australopithecus afarensis (3.2 Ma) had a ligament of the  head of femur.  1835OwenR  The author discusses the absence of the LCF in chimpanzees, orangutans and some other mammals. 1851BarkowHCL   The author briefly describes LCF in the tiger and llama.  1869MivartG  The author discusses his observations of LCF absence in chimpanzees and orangutans.  1877aWelckerH  The author discusses the differences in the anatomy of the LCF in animals: tapir, orangutan, chimpanzee. 1880HuxleyTH  The author writes about the presence and absence of  LCF  in some animal species. 1883Sutton JB   According to the author, the LCF is a tendon of the pectineus muscle,  separated from it in consequence of skeletal modifications.  1884SuttonJB   The author


  VETERINARY MEDICINE   (Pathology in  animals and methods of treatment... ) 2023AL-SamarraiMQ_AL-TimmemiHA   Surgical stabilization of the hip dislocation in dogs of LCF prosthesis.  2021MeesonRL_StricklandR   Surgical stabilization of the femoral head in cats with an artificial LCF.  BLOG CONTENT


  THEORY AND HYPOTHESES   (A set of theoretical provisions and assumptions about the function... ) Australopithecus Gait   LCF in Australopithecus determined a gait characterized by short step lengths and minimal arm swings.  Perthes disease . Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of  Perthes'  disease (femoral head osteochondropathy, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease). Congenital Hip Dislocation. Pathogenesis    An original view on the pathogenesis of congenital hip dysplasia, congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip. Aseptic Necrosis. Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of aseptic (avascular) necrosis of the femoral head.  Hip Osteoarthritis. Pathogenesis   An original view on the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis of the hip joint.  BLOG CONTENT


  SURGERY   ( Osteotomy, arthroplasty, arthroscopy, ligamentoplasty... ) Inventions Method s  by Arkhipov S.V.   (subsection) Articles UNDERWATER  ROCK OF THE RECONSTRUCTIONS  What is the load on the  ligamentum capitis femoris ? The First Open Reconstruction   The first open reconstruction of the LCF was performed in 1926 by Ernest William Hey Groves. 2021ArkhipovSV_SkvortsovDV   Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis–Necessary or Superfluous? A Systematic Review Catalog. Arthroscopic reconstruction   Arthroscopic LCF reconstruction and discussion of technique. BLOG CONTENT